reindex(sorted(s. day) In [50]: day_index = [list_of_days. One shape dimension can be -1. I want to re-arrange the rows and columns such that the new order is [a, d, b, e, c, f] but this value that I'm calling "the intersection" is the same. Since sorted is considered stable those that aren't in the base_list will remain untouched in terms of original order. astype({'Col_B' : pd. In this case, that's [1,2,0]. rearranged_array = original_array[np. (see below for more info) Third line, the list of numbers itself. Jan 11, 2020 · index_list = np. for key in desired_order_list: # d is the dictionary # do stuff with d[key] As others have mentioned, Python has an OrderedDict (in 2. Example. all the valid indices will exist exactly once). So that it would look like: test1. Method 2: using the list. reindex () method conforms a DataFrame to a new index with optional filling logic. pivot_table(values=['Value1','Value2'], index='Col_A', columns='Col_B', aggfunc=np. May 12, 2015 · 1. Negative indexing can also be used. The list is sorted with positive numbers before negative numbers. "Reordering" it is just too inefficient. unique(ri. Then sort the array of pair according based on indices using comparator. You can even create a list of lists. The even and odd elements are extracted using array slicing. return new_list. I have got a 2D array a with size 2, 1403 and a list b which has 2 list. Once I sort the list of time stamps, I can get the order of indices. e. It's much better to just carry your dictionary along with the list of keys in desired order, together. Here is a simple solution: You can sort the list using sort() (which will sort in-place, in other words, it will rearrenge the list) and passing True to the parameter reverse. Extract the last element of the list using slicing. index, key='Total'. Move Beginning of List Up To Index To Back in Python. Mar 7, 2024 · The concepts in Python Advanced list includes Python Sort Method, Sorted function, Python Reverse List, Python Index Method, Copying a List, Python Join Function, Sum Function, Removing duplicates from the List, Python List Comprehension, etc. argsort(). Jun 20, 2017 · I have a list of tuples (x, ind) where x is the item and ind is it's target index in the resulting list. It May 12, 2016 · This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached 100000 loops, best of 3: 2. python. 75 µs per loop In [92]: %timeit df. " Nov 15, 2021 · I get how it works now. , Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat). ) for each element in the original list, get that element's position in the sorted list. Sample File: Code. May 2, 2012 · First line, is the number of items in the list Second line, the indexes on how I want to rearrange the list. Sorting Basics¶ A simple ascending sort is very easy: just call the sorted() function. reindex(["Z", "C", "A"]) Out[14]: company Amazon Apple Yahoo Z 0 0 150 C 173 0 0 A 0 130 0 However, if it's alphabetical order, you could use sort_index(ascending=False) In my situation, the index array is indexing the target array instead of the source array. If you want to rotate it the other way, you can make the argument to rotate negative. Just another question that continues from this. Below I have started to transform the matrix how I want. g. For example I have: original_list = [1,2,3,4,5] my_index = 2. Oct 8, 2015 · 42. row_stack((new_order, new_order))] I know this's a very basic question, but I could not find the answer in Google. Apr 13, 2024 · The index_list variable stores a list with the indices in which we want to sort the DataFrame rows. Examples for rearrange operation: When composing axes, C-order enumeration used (consecutive elements Jun 26, 2023 · Efficient Solution: 1) Find the middle point using tortoise and hare method. Sep 8, 2012 · There may be an elegant built-in function (but I haven't found it yet). Numpy arrays can be rearranged with arrays of indices, and argsort can give the indices of B that would sort B. I would like to rearrange the date as Year Month Day Hour Minute. Mar 28, 2017 · How to move an element in a Python list to another position in the list (not the end) 4 Swapping two characters in a string and store the generated strings in a list in Python Feb 24, 2022 · For the end parameter you could first find the length of the list. This Understanding Lists & Indices. pandas. The value for end parameter would then be the length of the list minus 1. Jan 20, 2020 · Now you might be wondering what does [1:], it is slicing the list and starts from the second index, so the first index will be dropped. Oct 19, 2015 · df['new'] = df. How would you reorder this list back to [a,b,c,d,e,f,g]? I tired reordering the mutated list using the index list that is provided but it doesn't rlly work that way. Dec 28, 2021 · 2. The list is in random order, but it can be assumed that if there are N items in the list, the values of ind in the tuples will be in [0,N) without repetition (i. Or you could use an iterator: View the answers with numpy integration, numpy arrays are far more efficient than Python lists. If you consider the first element to be even (because the index, 0, is even) new = data[1::2] + data[::2] Plan: Write out the shuffle without relying on a library to do the heavy lifting. # output dict needs a list for new column ordering. x), but I don't think it's what you need here. This method is also available on Series. >>> import numpy as np. reindex — pandas 2. First, we need to find the indicies of the values in the second column of A that we'd need to match the order of V. The encoded line would start with line [0] R, then move 3 characters down to E, then A, then a SPACE. It's definitely a hack. one is the list of elements and the other of indexes list, the task is to reorder the given list according to the given indexes. new_list = [4,5,1,2,3] I am trying to achieve the new list. In [47]: list_of_days = ['Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thur', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'] In [48]: ri = df. The only argument we passed to the method is labels - the new Apr 28, 2020 · For the first method, you'd need to have a library that works with your particular numeric formatting; OP indicated this is just an example, so we don't know what exactly will work for their real life data. """ return seq[:index], seq[index:] def sliced(seq: Sequence_T, indexes: Iterable[int], fine=False) -> list[Sequence_T]: """ Works like cut in two, but this can sliece the sequence multiple times. But sometimes it is required to change the orders of rows using the DataFrame index. In this document, we explore the various techniques for sorting data using Python. arange(6). Below is the implementation of this method. Initial: Jan 21, 2024 · In pandas, the reindex() method allows you to reorder the rows and columns of a DataFrame by specifying a list of labels (row and column names). length-1] to access the last item of a list. len(b) = 2 # b is list. Step 3: To add a value to a list at a given index, use the list. This question was posted on bytes, but I thought I would repost it here. Example: Go through the list from the beginning starting with element 0; find a new random position for it, say 6, put 0’s value in 6 and 6’s value in 0. Move on to element 1 and repeat this process, and so on through the rest of the list 2 days ago · Python lists have a built-in list. index("trump",i+1)) I get: 3. Let’s start by creating a list: my_list = [1, 2, 3] empty_list = [] Lists contain regular Python objects, separated by commas and surrounded by brackets. So the above list would be rearranged to: newlist = ['categorya. Gives a new shape to an array without changing its data. To shift the last element of a list to the first position using slicing and the extend() method. txt for reference) The first number Mar 13, 2024 · In the previous article, we have discussed Python Program to Find Volume and Surface Area of a Cone Given two lists of equal length i. For example, if the list I want to sort is [2,3,1,4,5] , I need [2,0,1,3,4] to be returned. file'] The length of these lists could be massive, so I would assume efficiency is key. Step 2: If you need to erase a thing from a list given its record, utilize the list. py. Mar 19, 2022 · 1. c. rand(100)) >>> so = np. I need to sort the list by time stamp. This is the simplest one that worked for me: for your selected level, create a list with columns in desired order; reindex your columns and create a MultiIndex object from that list, keep in mind this returns a tuple; use the MultiIndex object to reorder your DataFrame. Check if the left element is negative and right element is positive, swap them. – Nov 22, 2012 · How to write a function to rearrange a list according to the dictionary of index in python? for example, L=[('b',3),('a',2),('c',1)] dict_index={'a':0,'b':1,'c':2} I want a list of : [2,3,1] where 2 is from 'a',3 is from 'b' and 1 is from 'c', but rearrange only the number in L according to the dict_index 16. index(d) for d in day] In [51]: ri['day_index'] = day_index In [52]: ri Out[52]: day_index sex day no Jan 18, 2021 · For example lets say I have a list as below, list = ['list4','this1','my3','is2'] or [1,6,'one','six'] So now I want to change the index of each element to match the number or make sense as I see fit (needn't be number) like so, (basically change the index of the element to wherever I want) list = ['this1','is2','my3','list4'] or ['one',1,'six',6] Oct 25, 2011 · 7. You could write one: # reorder columns def set_column_sequence(dataframe, seq, front=True): '''Takes a dataframe and a subsequence of its columns, returns dataframe with seq as first columns if "front" is True, and seq as last columns if "front" is False. compress() should be nice and fast). ) for each element in the sorted list, get that element's position in the original list. >>> from timeit import timeit. I have parsed out the time stamp using regular expressions and place them into a separate list. myListSorted = list(np. There is also a sorted() built-in function that builds a new sorted list from an iterable. rotate(1) a = list(a) This is the ideal solution since it lets you rotate the list an arbitrary number of places. We can arrange them in ascending and descending order easily but if you want to sort them using a Python List that contains the indexes of Dataframe as its items. I have a list: a = [two, three, one] I want to move one to the front, so it becomes: a = [one, two, three] The thing is, it could be ANY amount of numbers in the list. cur_index = cur_index + 1. def sort_list(order, list_to_order): i=len(order) sorted_list= [None] * (len(list_to_order)+(len(order))) Oct 8, 2023 · Approach#2: Using sort() Sort the given list in ascending order Initialize an empty result list Iterate over half of the sorted list indices: Append the element from the current index and the corresponding element from the end of the list If the length of the original list is odd, append the middle element to the result list Convert the result list to a string with space-separated integers Works with minus-index as well. argsort(B)] – May 11, 2017 · I have a list of lines read from a file. tolist() The Aug 15, 2015 · The number of files in a given category are arbitrary. Once we have those, we can just use numpy's "fancy" indexing to do the rest. Each element in a list has a unique index, which starts from 0 for the first element and increases by 1 for each subsequent element. array(list). Would there be any way I could still use the given index list to reorder the list back? – Jun 5, 2022 · How to create a Python list. 4 documentation. tuples, sets, or dictionaries ). Dec 7, 2023 · Follow the steps to solve the problem: Create an array of pairs to and associate elements from the arr [] array with their respective indices from the index []. 37 > 36) Explanation : Here 5 > 2 and 8 > 6. Here’s an example: Python. Move all elements to right/left/let user choose (python) Related. It's an unusual convention that only a few other languages besides Python have adopted, but it is extraordinarily useful; in any other language you'll spend a lot of time writing n[n. The index of the last item in a list is always one less than the length of the list. Create the dataframe import numpy as np dates = pd. Assume there is no way of knowing whether there will be 50 items or 3. fieldnames = ['A', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'B'] writer = csv. DataFrame. Python3. Since that scan Now I want to find that match in the list and move every item before the match to the end of the list in the Move Beginning of List Up To Index To Back in Python. Dec 25, 2019 · I have a list of strings, and another list of unique strings: import numpy as np source_list = ['cat', 'dog', 'dog', 'cat', 'cat', 'rat'] unique_list = ['cat', 'dog @TheRealChx101: It's lower than the overhead of looping over a range and indexing each time, and lower than manually tracking and updating the index separately. Series([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15]) I want to rearrange the data to make it like from index 9->14 and then index The index of e: 1 The index of i: 6 Traceback (most recent call last): File "*lt;string>", line 13, in ValueError: 'i' is not in list Also Read: Python Program to Access Index of a List Using for Loop Both previous answers do work when the list used for sorting does contain the same key values. 2) Split the linked list into two halves using found middle point in step 1. If the right element is negative, move the right pointer to the left. reshape(a, newshape, order='C') [source] #. len(b[0]), len(b[1]) = 415, 452 # here also both the list inside b has got unique elements. Received Out[9]: 0 2015/01/01 17:25 1 2015/01/02 11:43 Mar 25, 2014 · 1. Dec 15, 2015 · a = deque([1,2,3,4,5]). index() call has to scan through the list each time, so taking O(N) linear time. Feb 28, 2023 · Given 2 lists, for a given index, 2nd list element is always larger than first, and if not, we rearrange it. shape = (2, 1403) # a is 2D array, each row has got unique elements. Array to be reshaped. index than take the names of the columns of your dataframe in a list with: colnames = df. 14. tolist()[::-1] The output is indeed: index_list = [1, 3, 2, 4, 0, 5] It handles indices for duplicate values, and it's very fast. So for example, line = "Romeo and Juliet", key=3. txt are the indexes for the rearranged list. This operation includes functionality of transpose (axes permutation), reshape (view), squeeze, unsqueeze, stack, concatenate and other operations. insert () function. rearrange is a reader-friendly smart element reordering for multidimensional tensors. To change the index of an element in a list, we need to move the element from its current position to the desired position. Learn about Python's built-in list index() function. Aug 12, 2013 · Assign dummy values to these variables and then sort the frame on the axes with those values. Method 1: Remove an item by index and get its value using pop () In this example, we will use the pop method to remove the element from the list, here in the pop we will pass the index value to remove the element at that position. Example: The general syntax for this method is: list_name. In [14]: df. Python's own built-ins typically (not always) strive to either be "functionlike" (return a value, but don't have side effects) or be "procedurelike" (operate via side effects, and don't return anything). I have a python list and an index of an item I want to start a loop on the list starting from the element after my index. This can be done neatly with itertools. newshapeint or tuple of ints. You can use the `index ()` method to find the index of the element. array(myList)[so]) Edit: I ran some benchmarks comparing the NumPy way to the list comprehension. Explanation : Each element in result list is greater than its index counterpart of 1st list. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If this is not the case this function could help: It will add all missing values to the end of the sorted list. Jan 23, 2009 · Python aims to balance readability with expressivity. May 8, 2018 · I am relatively new to python and I am still trying to learn the basics of the language. It so happens to be fairly brief, mainly because it is a very high-level language. file', 'categoryb. Then one slice will appear not in a sequence any more. NumPy is ~27x faster. items(), key=lambda pair: index_map[pair[0]]) This is faster because the dictionary lookup in index_map takes O(1) constant time, while the a_list. Remove the . values. index_list = ['C', 'D', 'E', 'B', 'A'] new_df = df. reshape((3,2)) + 1. index("trump") print(i) print(l. Python for loops are a powerful tool, so it is important for programmers to understand their versatility. index = range(1,n) + [0] + range(n,df. Let's say I have this list: list = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g Jul 22, 2015 · You can't. W3Schools offers free online tutorials, references and exercises in all the major languages of the web. The comprehension works by iterating over each element of test_list1 and only keeping the elements that also exist in test_list2. Aug 3, 2018 · rearranged_array = original_array[new_order][:, new_order] The reason your first solution doesn't work is because numpy only does the rearrangement if the index passed is a list or array, but if you pass new_order, new_order, that is a tuple. pop () To move an element’s position in a list: Step 1: Get the thing’s file in the list by utilizing the list. Jul 28, 2023 · Shift Last Element to First Position using slicing+extend () Method. 1. 7 or 3. sort() sort arranges the elements of a list into increasing order (smallest to largest). 3) Reverse the second half. Method 1: Using loop This is brute way to tackle this problem. This returns [172, 181, 166, 172, 174, 165, 169, 169, 185, 168] when applied to the initial value of men, as an example. file', 'categoryc. sort(inplace=True) The arguments of putfirst are n, which is the ordinal position of the row to relocate to the first row position, so that if the 3rd row is to be so relocated then n = 3; and df is the DataFrame containing the row to be relocated. A example dateset is like this: df = pd. sort() method that modifies the list in-place. The resulting list is stored in res. The dataframe with the rearranged/reordered index should look something like this: A B Sun 3 0 Mon 6 7 Tue 2 1 Wed 5 1 Thu 7 1 Fri 4 2 But using df. A list in Python is a mutable, ordered collection of elements. In this, we just check for each element in list 2 matches with the current tuple, and append accordingly, in a sorted manner. What you are supposed to do is move all the even index values to the front (in reverse order) followed by the odd index values. List comprehension can be used to achieve this particular task. Covering popular subjects like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Python, SQL, Java, and many, many more. 5] cur_index = 0. Nov 20, 2013 · new_list = [] for i in range(0, len(my_list[n])): for n in range(0,len(my_list)): new_list += [my_list[n][i]] print(new_list) n += 1. tolist() The slowest run took 22. Here is a demo: Mar 5, 2014 · This may be a bit confusing to read but what I would like to do is take any string and rearrange the letters based on an input from the user of the program. but this code returns [1, 4, 2, 5, 3, 6], a single list instead of a list of lists like I want it to and I can't seem to figure out how to make the function output a list of lists based on the You either need to store the current index in a variable: money_list = [100,50,20,10,5,1,0. deque() provides efficient operations on both ends but it does not provide O(1) insertions/lookups/deletions in the middle. Oct 21, 2023 · IMO, that's not a good approach, converting to tuple and using python's sorted is inefficient when you can do it directly in pure pandas/numpy. Except in this case you would rearrange A with those indices, like A[np. To find the length, use the len() function: print(len(programming_languages)) #output is 6. Slicing is indexing syntax that extracts a portion from a list. all the elements present in b[0] and b[1] is present in a[0] and a[1] respectively. __eq__)) print (s1) Good 4 Satisfactory 9 Strong 57 Weak 2 Total 72 Name: a, dtype: int64 Dec 13, 2016 · @smci: Python list is array-based: to delete an item in the middle, you have to move all items on the right to remove the gap that is why it is O(n) in time operation. Use the extend() method to add the extracted element at the beginning of the list. The new shape should be compatible with the original shape. Jun 1, 2015 · Within a piece of code I have a numpy array already constructed, and I want to sort this 1st array given a specific order specified in a list. b. >>> myList = list(np. l2 = [l[i - 1] for i in m] But if you do want the ordering based on the other list, you're going to need to zip them together, sort on the index, then extract the Jan 6, 2015 · 6. Copy the rearranged elements back into the arr [] array, effectively reordering the elements according to the Jul 3, 2020 · Use Series. This slices the list such that you have everything but the first element, then adds that onto the end. If an integer, then the result will be a 1-D array of that length. reindex by sorted index by keys for test if equal Total, it also working if no value Total, but not working if duplicated values in index: s1 = s. 4) Do alternate merge of first and second halves. Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. reindex(labels=index_list) The DataFrame. argsort(myList) #converts list to NumPy einops. Aug 28, 2014 · There are two operations you could potentially wish to carry out. So, you might do something like this: import numpy as np. Apr 7, 2023 · Remove items at a specific index using enumerate () + list comprehension. I wish to rearrange the list so it reads one of each category at a time. Apr 10, 2023 · The below implementation uses a function sort_list_of_lists that takes a list of lists lst and an index index. l = ['q','s','b','f','l','c','x','a'] Apr 20, 2021 · I don't know how to do it for lists, but if these were numpy arrays, I would use argsort. columns. In other words, I am try to rearrange an array based on its position in the new array. Using a Python for loop is one of the simplest methods for iterating over a list or any other sequence (e. sort(reverse = True) Demo: Feb 14, 2014 · The faster way, creating an index map first: index_map = {v: i for i, v in enumerate(a_list)} sorted(a. # List Initialization Input1 = ['cut', 'god', 'pass'] Jul 12, 2016 · The purpose of this post is to try to understand how best to manipulate dataframes with multilevels. The result will be a 3rd array (new_values). index. The elements in a list can have any data type, and they can be mixed. We use DataFrame. CategoricalDtype(['E', 'J', 'A', 'K', 'L', 'H'], ordered = True)}) . from the inline doc, you can pass an optional start & stop value: Jun 7, 2012 · where the number at the "intersections" is important, but their order is not right. file', 'categorya. Then once i reach the end of the list 8. numpy. 1. Up to but not including n. index[-1]+1) df. – mozway Oct 21, 2023 at 13:02 Dec 8, 2021 · Convert col_B to a categorical before reshaping: (df. You will get the expected result because this will sort the strings alphabetically in the reverse order: L. Python's indexing starts from zero, : means get everything after the index before, but if it was [1:3] it will only get values that are in between the indexes 1 and 3 , let's say your list is: Oct 28, 2014 · 7. a. A Simple for Loop. Create a custom key for sorted as shown in this document. It requires an import, but if you're dealing with big datasets chances are it'll have other functionality you need anyway and it'll save time overall. Jul 29, 2022 · 7 Ways You Can Iterate Through a List in Python. Parameters: aarray_like. In fact, I can quote the Zen of Python to support that: "Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules. Explore Teams Create a free Team Feb 27, 2024 · Given two lists of strings, where first list contains all elements of second list, the task is to replace every element in second list with index of elements in first list. The 1st array has the values to be sorted. Set the value arbitrarily high for the letters that don't appear in the base_list so they end up in the back. If the left element is positive, move the left pointer to the right. men = men[1:] + [men[0]] Is what I would do. If you're just trying to get elements moved around based on the other lists positions, you can loop over all elements of m and grab that element of l using list comprehension. Any good Python tutorial should have told you this. index () capability. Jul 14, 2009 · @eric on the contrary: it would be really bizarre if L[idx] did do this in base Python. If a is a list, then a[m:n] returns the portion of a: Starting with postion m. How to shift elements in this list? 1. reindex() function to reorder the rows using the index list. compress() and a list comprehension: This method means you only generate the selectors once (and itertools. Dec 16, 2017 · I want to order the index by day of week (i. 33 times longer than the fastest. 2. random. Another solution is to do. If you wanna fine sliecies, turn fine=True. I have a dataset started from 8am and I want to rearrange the dataset to let it starts from other time. DictWriter(outfile, fieldnames=fieldnames) # reorder the header first. reset_index() In [49]: day = np. I'm trying to write a function in Python that would re-arrange specified item, moved it to new position and the other items would shift in relation. 0. main. 18 µs per loop In [91]: %timeit df. edited Oct 28, 2014 at 15:33. cols = ['IWWGCW', 'IWWGDW', 'BASE'] Apr 17, 2023 · Let’s discuss certain ways to sort list according to other list order. Discover how Python's index function can help you master lists today! List indexes of -x mean the xth item from the end of the list, so n[-1] means the last item in the list n. enumerate with unpacking is heavily optimized (if the tuples are unpacked to names as in the provided example, it reuses the same tuple each loop to avoid even the cost of freelist lookup, it has an optimized code path for when the May 23, 2017 · Just note the first index where the string appears, and pass the extra parameter to index the second time: l = ['dog','cat','pizza','trump', 'computer', 'trump'] i = l. A = np. Oct 21, 2011 · I need to sort a list and then return a list with the index of the sorted items in the list. Numbers sort with other numbers, strings with other strings, booleans with other booleans, etc. In your example, the sorted array indices [0,3,4,1,2] satisfy both tasks, but in general this is Mar 24, 2016 · You can simply append a list containing only the even elements to a list containing only the odd elements. 5. sum) ) Value1 Value2 Col_B E J A K L H E J A K L H Col_A 1 0 0 648 0 0 0 0 0 180 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 654 0 0 0 0 0 120 0 0 3 1107 0 0 0 0 248 689 0 0 0 0 789 4 0 0 45 0 0 0 0 0 May 4, 2023 · Here are the steps to move an element in a list in Python: Determine the index of the element you want to move. So from the second line in the in. tolist() Then you can rearrange them as you need, for instance changing the order so you get the last 'new' column as first and move the remains one position to the right: colnames = colnames[-1:] + colnames[:-1] and reassign: Apr 5, 2023 · a. Hard to explain but this is how it would work (see in. You can use the csv module to read, reorder, and then and write your file. The indices of the two lists will match. Method #1: Using Iteration C/C++ Code # Python code to replace every element # in second list with index of first element. File "<input>", line 1, in <module> a[-8] IndexError: list index out of range. I stumbled upon a question which asks you to rearrange the list by modifying the original. I searched thoroughly but can't find anything relating to this exact specific. sort_index() results in an alphabetically-sorted index for df. However, all elements inside the list MUST be of the same data type. May 3, 2015 · You could set index on predefined order using reindex like. The function accepts two arguments: old_index - current index of item new_index - index where we want the item to be moved. In this case, simply apply an argsort before indexing. You have to convert it to an array then back. while change>0. Read through our Free Python Guide for beginners to gain immense knowledge on Python concept. If the list is short it's no problem making a copy of it from a Python list, if it isn't then perhaps you should consider storing the elements in numpy array in the first place. Method #1 : Using List comprehension. (Eg. The function uses the sorted function to sort the list based on the specified index, using a lambda function as the key function. Sep 13, 2015 · df. Actually, this answer does look more elegant - in that, the selector is generated only once and then reused twice. date_range('20130101', periods=6) df = pd. 5: print (change/100) + " X " + money_list[cur_index] change. pop () capability. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached 1000000 loops, best of 3: 1. Jun 2, 2023 · The list comprehension is used to rearrange the test_list1 based on the order of test_list2. Jan 1, 2015 · This represents a time stamp as Day Month Year Hour Minute. EDIT: The currently accepted answer is much slower than this approach. jf zb ib vb mt ln rt lv go sn