Natural ground level definition nsw

Last UpdatedMarch 5, 2024


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Any metal parts must be low reflective, factory pre-coloured materials. CSG differs from shale gas which the USA have a significant industry for. Apr 16, 2019 · The NSW SEPP 2008 Refers to the fence height from ground level (existing) which I would deem to the the level of dirt between our two walls where the white peg is. In this example, the height is reduced by 0. Positive values are below the ground surface. 5, Option 3); or stepped in accordance with AS 2870. 30am to 4. au P : 02 9651 6500 F : 02 9651 6522 Registered Architect: E Olmos 8565 3 elevated above natural ground level, being higher than what is required to mitigate flood risk. 1m from what is allowed. The OS ceilings, to the existing ground level, or the lowest habitable fl oor immediately below that point, whether or not at natural ground level, excluding chimneys, attic rooms, and non-habitable rooms which are entirely below natural ground level and have no visible external elevation whatsoever. water. These Aug 25, 2015 · There are many urban legends, myths, rumours, claims and stories claiming that there is a 10 metre rule or 20 metre rule giving public access along river banks, even where the adjoining land is privately owned. 2 m) construction; and. Retaining walls can be costly to construct, but even more expensive to repair or modify. In NSW large volumes of unseasonably cold water flows from major dams. However, the term ‘natural’ is not defined in the Planning Scheme. • Any enclosing wall must be no higher than 1. In that case the plaintiff sought consent for a residential building on a site where an existing building already occupied the entire site, and there was no longer definition of gross floor area in SSLEP2015. Private open space means— • an unroofed area of land; or Here, I have listed some commonly used types of levels in building construction. 19. Acknowledgements. Height Certificates & “Ground Level” Definition Height Certificates are normally done to confirm the height of floor slabs or roof heights relative to AHD or relative to the Local Council’s definition of Dural NSW 2158 ABN 98 613 233 364 W : www. 3m unless calculations using the 18. This strategy is the first 20-year water strategy for all of NSW and aims to improve the security, reliability, quality and resilience of our water resources over the long term. Application of the precautionary principle where there is uncertainty in water resources and use. 1 Urban Development (Residential) The difference between the 1% AEP flood level and natural ground level should not be more than 2. Department reference number: PUB20/940. Cut and fill should not alter natural or existing ground levels by more than 1m (see Figure 1). 5. cjc. 30pm Mon – Fri) Civic Centre, 68 Elizabeth Street (BCC) use the term ground level, which is defined as a level of natural ground; or if the level of the natural ground has changed, the level lawfully changed (this is known as the ‘prescribed level’). 8m. [Source: Permitted development rights for householders - Technical Guidance]. Depths of habitable rooms support natural ventilation. A transition in building height should be provided at sensitive interface areas adjacent to heritage items. attached development (including garages and balconies), and. The maps in this series are provided for viewing and/or download in the links below. Where the slope of the ground is 2. siting the floor level of the lowest residential storey a maximum of 1. The report has a number of purposes: It contains a description of the project, the site and the structural works; It lists the assumptions about structural materials, loadings and the structural performance criteria; and. a fire involving hazardous materials. The NSW Invasive Species Plan 2018–2021 (DPI 2018a) sets goals, strategies and guidelines to exclude, eradicate or manage invasive species. Figure 3 Determining natural ground level Where a new sub-division has been subject to ‘reshaping’ earthworks, the new levels can be taken as the natural ground level provided that adjoining allotments have also been subject to the same earthworks or are at the same level. These levels are taken as benchmarks while executing the work on the site. 3 Surface water drainage. 1(b) states that a porch is not permitted development if any part of it is more than 3m above ground level. Some groundwater is fresh and suitable for drinking. alterations and additions to a home. They may be defined by the shoreline of lakes or the sea, the banks of rivers and streams, or by other natural features such as a cliff face or ridgeline. Child Care Centre Jan 29, 2020 · 5 Steps to Build a Retaining Wall. Effective Natural Resource Management practices build capacity to manage land through drought, flood, and climate variability, promote deepened (as per AS 2870) to extend into the natural soil level with a bearing capacity in accordance with 4. CSG is primarily methane with small amounts of other gases. 4m above the floor, and includes habitable rooms in a basement NCC 2016 definition of effective height : “the vertical distance between the floor of of the lowest storey included in the calculation of rise in storeys and the floor or the topmost storey (excluding the topmost storey if it contains only heating, ventilation, lift or other equipment, water tanks or similar service units)”. nsw. Who Can I Contact If My Property Is Flooding? For emergency help in flood events, contact the State Emergency Service (SES) on 132 500. L for short) The R. AS-2. 5m above ground level (existing). Plant a bufer on the windward side of a remnant bush patch, plant pioneer species. ) Each level is defined as a stratum between specific Reduced Levels and shows the lot layout and site of any new easements at that level. 5(b) (see Figure 4. The thing is that in my case it is vital to understand what law says about reference levels, and I haven't got a conclusive answer yet, so I have been looking elsewhere as well. g. The process of natural burial is one where the body of the deceased person is placed in the soil to less than 3m from the boundary, and habitable room has a finished floor level greater than 1m above existing ground level, or; less than 6m and the habitable room has a finished floor level greater than 2m above ground level. Development is limited to two storeys in height above existing ground level and excavation for basements is not permitted. Determining the ground level (existing) can be challenging where excavation has occurred on the site, where the site contains irregularities or where an existing building occupies the entire site. 4 million hectares of the reserve system are now covered by plans, representing around 86% of protected areas. Examples. Wangaratta, VIC/NSW; Map series of NSW. Aldinga Arts Eco-Village Natural Burial Ground - this private natural burial ground is the first facility established in 2016 under the new South Australian Act that came into force in 2014. Notes: Building height (or height of building) means the vertical distance between ground level (existing) and the highest point Trees and vegetation are protected under legislation and planning policies. 2. 2210 October 2022. 7. He also states that by doing it my way it would not comply as the fence height would then be 2. masonry materials can be used within three metres either side Figure 3 Determining natural ground level Where a new sub-division has been subject to ‘reshaping’ earthworks, the new levels can be taken as the natural ground level provided that adjoining allotments have also been subject to the same earthworks or are at the same level. The Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 (POEO Act) defines virgin excavated natural material (VENM) as: ‘natural material (such as clay, gravel, sand, soil or rock fines): (a) that has been excavated or quarried from areas that are not contaminated with manufactured chemicals, or with process residues, as a result of industrial The fence itself should have at least a height over 1200 mm from the ground level. Together, domestic use (including drinking water) and watering stock consume around 13% of total estimated groundwater used in NSW. A water sharing plan will be a component of a water resource plan. Connecting with Council. [Screen shows a video of a gully from above. Negative values are above the ground surface and indicate artesian conditions. (b) the number of storeys in the building above ground level. AS-1. At 30 June 2021, parks and reserves covered by a plan of management numbered 667, an increase of more than 10% since NSW State of the Environment 2018 ( EPA 2018 ). The purpose of a Flood Management Report is to demonstrate how a proposed development will comply with flood related planning Oct 8, 2010 · Finished ground level is top of pavers or whatever is outside the door. The importance of determining the natural or altered ground level before any construction commences can never be neglected in pre- and post-construction activities at a municipal level. 5° or more across an 8 metre cross section of the building site, this is equal to: a ratio of 1:23 or; 350 mm (when expressed as a rise or fall over an 8 metre cross General principles of boundary definition. Approximately 11% of all water used in NSW comes from groundwater sources. - notate the Reduced Level (RL) of the Top Of Walls (TOWs) of the retaining wall and the highest point of the fence (if any); - notate the Reduced Level (RL) of the ground level, whether filled/cut or natural; and - notate materials and other relevant notes. The prescribed level is the level of the surface of land: (a) existing at the time the original estate was subdivided and roads created The existing ground level could only be extrapolated in this way where there is no existing ground level due to the existence of the basement. The building's orientation maximises capture and use of prevailing breezes for natural ventilation in habitable rooms. It then shows a ground-level video of a gully. 02 4868 0888 (24hr Contact Centre) PO Box 141 Moss Vale, NSW 2577 (8. Private open space means— • an unroofed area of land; or 4. GDEs include a broad range of environments and can be highly Feb 12, 2014 · Floor level above external finished surfaces must be a minimum of: 50 mm above impermeable ( covered paved or concreted areas ) that slope away from the building 100 mm above the finished ground level in low rainfall intensity areas ( 5 minute intensity of less than 125mm/hour for a recurrence interval of 20 years -see: Rainfall Intensity to natural ground level means the finished level of the lot relative to the finished Australia Height Datum (AHD) level of the road that it fronts (existing or as established at subdivision stage) and immediately adjacent to the lot. 4. 5m instead . Figure 1: Building stepping down a site 6. The maximum height for a dwelling house and any attached development is 8. Cemetery-based 'Natural Burial Sections' Gungahlin Cemetery – ACT. Mar 29, 2021 · The leading case on determining ‘ground-level (existing)’ on sloping land or land that has been completely excavated is Better v Council of the City of Sydney [2014] NSWLEC 1070. DTW. nutrients. the level of the ground taken as a reference point; the story of a building with its floor aligned to ground level : ground floor… See the full definition Menu Toggle than 1 metre above ground level (existing). 8 metres. www. fences must be constructed using post and wire or post and rail. Apr 23, 2017 · I was googling "natural ground level definition nsw" and there was some documents where different terms popped up. Where ground level is not uniform (for example if the ground is sloping), then the ground level is the highest part This extraction also has the potential to alter the natural flow of groundwater. Apr 18, 2016 · When measuring the height of a structure, “ground level” means natural ground level. BCC defines the building height as being the vertical distance, measured in metres, between the ground level and highest point of the roof (refer to Figure 1), other than a point that is part of an aerial, chimney, flagpole or load bearing antenna. Groundwater dependent ecosystems. Prior to the decision in Faversham Mews Pty Ltd v Boroondara CC Mar 7, 2024 · Existing ground level is defined in the Standard Instrument as: “ground level (existing) means the existing level of a site at any point. regrowth native vegetation. 5 metres; so the ‘building height’ is only 4. The burial ground is open to village residents only. Mar 3, 2023 · Contour lines which are spaced further apart show a more gradual slope. Habitable rooms (not including bathrooms, laundries and storerooms) are to be located above existing ground level. 5 metres from the AHD level of the mid point of the road and measured The separate definition of ‘basement’ suggests that “ground level (existing)” is a reference to the current ground level, ignoring any basement space below it. (There is a lot of info on there, you just have to look. This is generally the first level measured and is done before any excavation or construction begins. 6 Implications These observations on the benefits of Natural Sequence Farming have significant implications for capacity building in relation to the management of Australian landscapes. On bushfire-prone land, fences must be constructed of non-combustible materials or hardwood. The 100 mm limit applies likewise to gaps between vertical bars within the fence. Invasive pathogens are an emerging threat to both biodiversity and agriculture. c. Depth to water. The highest point of a building containing residential accommodation must not exceed the height specified on the Height of Buildings Map in CLEP 2010. ] A gully is a groove in the land usually formed by a creek. • If it is to be constructed out of metal 1. Where data is limited or unavailable, reports must demonstrate that changes in the level of the natural water table, due to construction, will not exceed 0. Plinth Level. a combustible/flammable spill/leak, excluding minor fuel or other flammable liquid spill/leak (<=200 litres), and where the combustible/flammable liquid causes or threatens to cause injury, death or damage to property and/or environment. Design guidance. The term ‘natural’ is further understood to be the level which has been formed or created by nature, with no artificial involvement. Feb 12, 2024 · Determine Natural Ground Level (NGL): The NGL is the unaltered level of the ground on the site. 5. au E : admin@mskgroup. Cases concerning prosecution for pollution of waters. Where a basement car park extends above the natural ground level, it is to be designed to ensure that any podium or vehicular entry does not dominate the overall design of the building or the streetscape. The finished level of the lot shall be +/- 0. au. 5(c) . The Water Management Act 2000 legislates that all groundwater sources must be managed sustainably. Modern dams have outlets that release water from a warmer surface level. Section detail plan must: - be to a scale of 1:20 or larger if required; natural ground level as meaning the existing ground level at the date the application is made … adopt[ing] [findings of] Mrocki v Bayside CC and by the Supreme Court in Shire of Gisborne v King. Coal seam gas (CSG) is a form of natural gas found in coal seams formed over millions of years. 3. 6 Flood Prone Lands (Except as described in 6. floor additions must complement the architectural style of the ground floor and where possible permit the existing roof form, slope and ridge to be easilydiscerned. 2 m in height above natural ground level or finished ground level, whichever is the greatest distance. 5m under CLEP 2010, the height of a dwelling house must not exceed two storeys above existing ground level. Driveway walls adjacent to the entrance of a basement car park are to have a high Depth from the natural ground surface to the bottom of a hydrogeologic unit in metres. Development must be stepped down a steep site. Paragraph 36 of Circular 9/95 explains that for the purposes of the Order measurements of height are taken from the highest part of the adjoining "natural" ground level. 1. Natural Ground Level (NGL) Building Ground Level (BGL) Finish Floor Level (FFL) These levels are used in various building construction works. The facts are obtained from a search of the title deeds and associated plans, supplemented by a field survey where marks, monuments and improvements on the ground can be related to not exceed 1. 5 metres above natural ground level. 5m. Scalp of the contaminated topsoil, ensuring erosion will not occur, and revegetate. As explained in my blog Water as a Boundary – Non-Tidal Waters, non-tidal water boundaries in NSW are defined by certain terms: ground floor area of the dwelling on the lot o On a lot 300 m² or less: 25 m2. Factors affecting the quality and availability of groundwater include excessive demand and extraction, saline intrusion and chemical contamination. May 1, 2024 · The maximum height of 10 metres is measured from any point of the dwelling to natural ground level. In relocating title boundaries, a registered land surveyor employs a combination of fact, law, precedent and experience. Agricultural land will commonly have layers that will be a mix of both remnant and . In those areas which have a maximum height of 9. If basement construction protrudes more than 1m above ground level, it is no longer defined as a basement. Screening may require the introduction of architectural devices shown in Figure D3. ”. This line also represents a slope, but it is rising only 100 metres in elevation over the distance on the ground. The depth of cut or fill must not exceed 1. DPIE Department of Planning Industry and Environment Deck An outdoor living area attached to a dwelling, which may be covered or uncovered, and is not capable of being used or adapted for use as habitable floor area. This means that over 6. "group home" means a permanent group home or a transitional group home. 6. enquiries@dpie. Oct 17, 2021 · Measurements are conducted at a point 1 metre above the natural ground level. Oct 30, 2018 · The vertical distance from natural ground level to the roof or parapet at any point. Natural Resource Management (NRM) refers to the coordinated strategies adopted for the sustainable utilisation of our major natural resources, such as land, water, soil, forests, fisheries, plants and animals. More information. Design Criteria Measured from finished floor level to finished ceiling level, minimum ceiling heights are: These minimums do not preclude higher ceilings if desired. Lintel Level. 06. 3m instead of 4. Kemps Creek Cemetery – NSW Natural boundaries are those presented by nature. 1. 5 Footings for fireplaces on Class A and S sites. Council may permit a variation to the two storey limit (whether that be a basement or third storey above natural ground level as the additional floor level) where Council is Source: WaterNSW – Water accounting system data June 2021. Natural overland flow is the path rainwater takes when it flows along a natural gradient over properties on its way to a watercourse. The cross marks where the level was taken on the site with the equipment, and the number is the height. Queensland has a Neighbourhood Dispute Resolution Act 2011 which includes shrubs, vines, cacti, palms, dead trees and stumps in its definition of trees. To be exempt development, fences must comply with these requirements: Gates must not open outwards. having an enclosing wall higher than 1. Understand the natural state of your land before any works commence. • The floor height must not be more than 1 m above the existing ground level. When it comes to horizontal bars, these should be at least 900 mm apart. Jul 13, 2023 · Defining the natural ground level is the foundation for approved development. You will need a permit from Council to: Remove or prune any mallee Eucalyptus species, irrespective of dimensions , with such a tree having multiple leader stems with a height generally not exceeding (6) six metres , originating from a single trunk at or near ground level. The Hydrogeological Map Series of New South Wales (1986-1988) was compiled and published by the then Hydrogeological Unit of Department of Water Resources, New South Wales. This would mean a Rear Setback of 4. Cases concerning the management of fisheries. The ability to get water out of the ground (yield) and the quality of the water depends on the geology and the climate. L can be referenced in 2 ways. website www. The following figures illustrate different scenarios. Although groundwater occurs everywhere below the ground, its quantity and quality varies. Reservation of land in central and inland NSW is lower still and mostly sitting at 2–5%. The standards for fences to be considered exempt development in rural and environmental protection zones, and zone RU5, include: fences must not be higher than 1. Figure 1: Height line above ground level. Note 2 : "Ground level (existing)" is defined in the Standard Instrument as the existing level of a site at any point. It can save homeowners up to $15,000. 15 per cent of the ground floor area of the dwelling for a lot larger than 300m2; or; 25m2 for a lot up to 300m2. Attic rooms may be provided in the roof Complying development is a fast track planning and building approval which can be issued within 20 days. 7m With a known flood level we can mark the level on the ground or prepare a suitable plan showing the extent of flooding on a site. For flat roofed dwellings, the height of the parapet is to be kept to the minimum height required to ensure adequate screening of the proposed flat or low pitch skillion roof. Revegetate. There must not be electrical fencing or barbed wire in residential, business or gross floor area has the same meaning as it has in the Standard Instrument. The NSW Water Strategy ( DPIE 2021b) takes a strategic and integrated approach to looking after the state’s water. The types most commonly used for parcel definition are: Riparian boundaries: The banks of rivers and streams. As such, ‘natural ground level’ refers to a pre-modified ground level, before any alteration Jan 24, 2022 · Schedule 4 of the Planning Regulation 2017 identifies “building height’ as an administrative term that may be used in local planning instruments. Developments should avoid unnecessary earthworks by designing and siting buildings that respond to the natural slope of the land. The Housing Code allows: the construction of a new single or two-storey home. Therefore, a more appropriate point or location for the measurement of ground level (existing) is the roof slab of the basement level car park, at the point where the storey to determine the “ground level (existing)” for the site based on actual and surveyed levels in the public domain (footpaths), and unmodified levels around the perimeter of the property, which could be extrapolated across the site. These guidelines are intended to provide advice to applicants on how to obtain flood information from Council, how to determine what rules apply on flood prone land, and how to prepare a Flood Management Report. 150 mm thick for single storey (one trafficable floor and a wall height not more than 4. au . Cases concerning sustainable use of waters. Floor space in a basement may be counted as part of gross floor area. The proposed minimum ceiling heights are as follows: Ground floor 2. 4 and 6. Sill Level. • It must not be more than 3 m at the highest point, above existing ground level. com. mail@wsc. mskgroup. Know the natural state of your land. The improved ground cover and minimal cultivation helps minimise soil erosion, avoids soil compaction, and maintains soil structure. The area of unobstructed window openings should be equal to at least 5% of the floor area served. First published: January 2021; current revision V02. Stormwater that is unable to enter the underground drainage system will find it’s natural way to the nearest watercourse via overland flow paths. A definition of "ground level" is given in Article 1(3). Fireplaces must be supported on a pad footing—. The building footprint must be designed to The east coast of NSW has the highest proportion of land in reserves (over 10%), while some other areas (including the Murray Darling Depression, Brigalow Belt South and New England Tablelands) have between 5–10% protected. 4 m. Storm water run right in door! Check out this website, the best resource on the planet for all things paving. 5 metres from the AHD level of the mid point of the road and measured In any other area the floor level is to be at or above the flood planning level and meet other relevant provisions of this Chapter. Moderate impacts were evident in 14 and four had less severe impacts. Water sharing plan (WSP) – a plan, similar to a water resource plan, made under the NSW Water Management Act 2000 that sets out specific rules for sharing and trading water between the various water users and the environment in a specified water management area. Engineers making alterations to the structure in the future. An Environmental Trust study in 2002-03 assessed 3,000 dams and weirs in NSW finding eight that caused severe cold water pollution. must be diverted away from Class 1 buildings as follows: (a) Slab-on-ground — finished ground level adjacent to buildings: the external finished surface surrounding the slab must be drained to move away from the building and graded to give a slope of not less than (see )—. [Note: This advice was added to the August 2010 version of the above document, but was subsequently removed from the April 2016 version]. Natural burial or green burial offers a simple and sustainable resting place with minimal disturbance to the bushland environment. 4 metres having a floor height of more than one metre above the existing ground level being more than 3 metres at its highest point, above existing ground level. This is an alternative to traditional interment and allows the grave to blend into the surrounding landscape. No use having finished ground level -150mm from FFL, and then paving up to the same level. First and foremost, this legal verification requires the sign-off of a This spatial dataset identifies areas of land showing the extent of acid sulfate soils. Here are five steps to take before building your new retaining wall. Two or three storey development above natural ground level is only permitted on the front of an allotment and may extend to a maximum of 60% of the depth of the site measured from the property boundary. 12 •Provide detail of the fixed acoustic louvres that screen the external plant area. If the stratum of the lots is complex or has numerous inclined planes, sufficient cross-sections though the building should be included to clearly define the layout of the lots and/or easements. Also, the gap between the bottom of the fence and the ground should not exceed 100 mm. This means the maximum building height dimension is reduced. 6. As Fences in rural, environmental and RU5 zones. Figure 1: Building stepping down a site 8. thehills. Condition D. Exposure to the elements (e. For more than 200 towns in NSW, groundwater is the principal water supply source. 4C-1 Ceiling height achieves sufficient natural ventilation and daylight access. Acid sulfate soils have been classified into 5 different classes based on the likelihood of the acid sulfate soils being present in particular areas and at certain depths. In summary, the Court has confirmed that the definition of “ground level Sep 12, 2017 · Measuring building height. “Ground level” is an essential component of this natural ground level means the finished level of the lot relative to the finished Australia Height Datum (AHD) level of the road that it fronts (existing or as established at subdivision stage) and immediately adjacent to the lot. Class 1: Acid sulfate soils in a class 1 area are likely to be found on and below the Minimum requirements for building site groundwater investigations and reporting. Accordingly, the lowest point of measurement for building height is referenced to ‘natural ground level’ (‘NGL’). Moree, NSW; Narrabri, NSW; Forbes, NSW Note: Vegetation that is regrowing following a natural event such as drought, fire, flood, storms or natural regeneration or unlawful clearing is remnant vegetation. 0m from existing ground level, except where the excavation is for a basement car park. 2. 5m high and above the 2. ” The idea of ‘natural ground level’ being defined in such a confounding fashion is worthy of closer examination. The definition of the term "highway extension) is the height measured from ground level. Working out the slope of a building site. au | 9843 0555 INTRODUCTION Stormwater is surface water that runs off roads, footpaths, grassed areas, carparks, driveways, roofs, and other natural ground surfaces. Cases concerning the impact of floods on development and the impact of development on floods. Edge beams not connected to the slab, pad footings and strip footings — founded in accordance with 4. The heights where these 'levels' are located are referred to as the Reduced Level (or R. ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-76058-419-1. Natural ground level should be maintained within 900mm of a side and rear boundary. an explosive (as defined in the Australian Dangerous Goods Code) event. The height penalty is reduced because the roof-tip (or ridge line) doesn’t extend all the way to the edge of the building. Refer to the definition of gross floor area in SSLEP2015. 3. Focus regeneration eforts on areas which are more protected. However, in Part 3, 3B, 3C or 3D it means the sum of the floor area of each floor of a building measured from the internal face of external walls, or from the internal face of walls separating the building from any other building, measured at a height of 1. Groundwater dependent ecosystems (GDEs) are defined as ‘ecosystems that need access to groundwater to meet all or some of their water requirements to maintain their communities of plants and animals, ecological processes and ecosystem services’. (Note, ground level is the surface of the ground immediately adjacent to the building in question, and would not include any addition laid on top of the ground such as decking. You, the property owner and/or occupier, are required to accept natural overland flow from adjoining properties and public land and not undertake works that will change the flow of water. gov. As an arbitary number, or, according to the Australian Height Datum (AHD) that temporary changes to the groundwater level, during construction, will be kept within the historical range of natural groundwater fluctuations. persistent strong winds, frosts, sunlight). These will be monitored and reported on in a new NSW State of Biosecurity Reporting framework. It is defined as follows: “building height, of a building, means –. In NSW, the coal seams targeted for gas production are generally between 200 metres and 1000 metres below the ground. Where the ground level was to be inferred, it was to be shown as a plane drawn from the existing ground level at the key points marking the edge of the portion of the site which is said to have no ground "ground level (mean)" means, for any site on which a building is situated or proposed, one half of the sum of the highest and lowest levels at ground level (finished) of the outer surface of the external walls of the building. Measurement of Ordinance Survey (OS) Level: The OS level is determined based on the accepted measures of the lay of land across a region. Note 1 : "Attached development" and "dwelling house" are defined in clause 1. 200 mm thick for 2 storey (two trafficable floors and a wall height not more than 8 m) construction; and. May 6, 2024 · The common meaning of ‘natural ground level’ is taken to be the ‘natural surface level of the ground’. Measurement from the natural ground surface to the groundwater level in metres. 5) 6. vk lo fx ww dj eq bj ir ac rj