How to simulate output impedance

The 5M is the Thevenin/Norton equivalent of two 10M resitors. 2. Therefore, the output. In the probe P1 field we select the input current probe ROOT_Iin and then in the expression we write 1/P1. the impedance is basically just the slope between the voltage and current, if an increase in voltage at an input or output of 1v leads to an increase in current of 0. And how can I simulate the output impedance of filter? I update the simulation picture as follows: Wurth 810911001 website information: Electrical parameter: Common mode insertion loss: Differential mode insertion loss Oct 19, 2013 · What you want to do: - terminate the LVDS driver with a 100 ohm load. For advanced designs running with fast edge rates, and when high Oct 1, 2021 · To determine the parallel reactance, we use Equation 3, so. . Multisim. I understand I have to do ac analysis, can you please explain a little bit more (about the procedure in virtuoso). A common method to provide output impedance match-ing is to place resistors equal to the desired impedance in series with the amplifier’s output. To verify the calculation I would like to simulate the circuit. In calculation of output impedance, the input of amplifier must be zero. The voltage output is the output impedance. 75 m A = 9333 ohms. The output of an ideal opamp acts as an ideal voltage source. Jul 12, 2020 · This is really the basis to do simulation in LTspice. The output of the opamp should be able to output very large currents (to source) and (to sink) without the magnitude of the output current having any influence on the output voltage source. May 24, 2008. A representation of this configuration is shown in Figure 1 below : fig 1 : Definition of the input and output impedances. BUF can be approximated as infinitely high input impedance and zero output impedance, it does isolate left and right circuits. After that, it is just ohm's law (R = V/I). — The input amplitude DOESN’T MATTER. If your concern is small signal impedance, do AC analysis. This article shows you how to capture, simulate, and lay out your first design in Multisim. This article develops a passive-component model of the ZO curve for a three-stage op amp. It is this inverse property of a constant power load that is often useful in stability analysis of simulations like those of a switching mode power supply. However utilizing this formula I get very weird results. 49*VCC. Se Simulation: This circuit will give the voltage transfer CL function curve. You have no control loop around this, so I concur with @Andyaka, the graph is probably correct. RF to IF Conversion Gain 3. The equivalent circuit parameters of a transformer can be derived by some simple measurements. A maximum ratio of 1/10 is often used as a design rule of thumb. 0 Mar 11, 2015 · You could use an EQ to simulate the altered frequency response. I am confused about the sweep parameter of ac analysis. Oct 8, 2019 · I have a circuit and I have calculated the input resistance to be about 0. Just place a voltage source at the output node and measure the current leaving the source. This enables a deeper understanding of the different regions of a modern op-amp ZO curve that will simplify op-amp stability analysis when designing circuits. They range from as little as 0. ) The definition of the output impedance is ” “How much impedance (resistance) from the point of view of the OUTPUT ”. 1: Common emitter amplifier using two-supply emitter bias. Short the input (not the power supply and the other bias), and place a grounded current source at the output. Impedance measurements can fluctuate initially, especially in reactive circuits. Apr 15, 2022 · 2. This curve should identify: RL VSS. So, your open loop output impedance is: Ro_closeloop*Avdc You also can run . This coaxial cable then can be attached to the PCB and then plugged into an oscilloscope. Note that if you leave the input open you will get an output voltage of 3. The simplest matching networks place a resistor in series or in parallel (connected to ground) with either the load. But go over and click on the Y axis, then select "linear". For the differential measurement, it's most easy to connect a voltage source in series with the load resistor. Jun 1, 2015 · The closed-loop output impedance is equal to the open-loop output impedance divided by one plus the total open-loop gain. Dec 31, 2018 · Voltage noise is input-referred, so e_n is amplified by the closed-loop gain of the op amp circuit, along with the differential input signal (Ve), to create the total output voltage (Vout). In this video, you will learn how to measure the input and the output impedance of any circuit using LTSpice. Because your AC source has a value of 1, the voltage you plot is equal (at 1 ohm per volt) to the equivalent input/output impedance at that port. It’s a trans impedance, rather than an ordinary impedance, because the current at one place in the circuit This example shows how to use the Sinestream Signal Generator and PRBS Signal Generator blocks to create input signals to measure the output impedance of a boost converter through an offline frequency response estimation experiment. The reason for the high impedance is so to supply a network with a DC voltage on which devices can inject a low frequency (500Hz - 20KHz) AC signal. This shows a 2V output for the. AC this was no problem: just make a Laplace expression out of it and it will work flawlessly. In an EIT system, electrical currents with theoretical sum of zero, are applied to the body and any mismatch between the currents results in current going through an extra grounded electrode. It uses a simplecoupler to simulate the transistor impedance during the runtime, without breaking the circuit. Zout = 50* (1 + S22)/ (1 - S22) Where Zin and Zout are the impedances looking INTO the device. We expect resistor impedance, normally called resistance Apr 15, 2013 · In general, to measure an output impedance, you just connect a known impedance across it and measure the drop in voltage level. choose C and L values of tank circuit that meet the equation: fc = 1 2π LC−−−√ f c = 1 2 π L C. Oct 14, 2014 · Output impedance– determines the output regulation, dynamic load response, and susceptibility to complex loading. Oct 13, 2004 · To measure output impedance, regardless closed loop or open loop, u just put ideal current source Idc with ac=1 at the output, then measure the voltage at the output across frequency by running AC analysis. Add a net name to the net at the port you are testing (for example "VIN" or "VOUT"). The closer the output impedance is to zero the better. 3. ) The gain in the linear range. calculate output impedance of the amplifier (pure resistance): Rout = Q C L−−√ R o u t Dec 22, 2010 · The output impedance is calculated by the following equation: Where: VO = Output voltage when the driver is sinking current V_Fix = Voltage of the test fixture. To simulate the output impedance characteristic for an LDO, first create a simulation schematic using the SiMetrix LDO model. Figure 2 shows the effect of closing the loop graphically. Rth/Rload must be small in order to avoid “loading the circuit”. Next, set up the schematic for DVM analysis. ) DC operating conditions, power dissipation. With double termination, this has the drawback that the signal level delivered to the line is reduced by –6 dB (or half) from the signal at the amplifier’s output. input clk, output out, output reg output_reg. You would need to know the shape of the impedance curve first in order to do that. The LDO’s output appears to be an ideal current source due to the negative feedback of the control loop. Aug 4, 2011 · Hello guys, So the purpose of this OTA is simply to buffer a 2V output, hence the 2V input. 1. Noise and NF 4. Start measurement: Power on the instrument and start the measurement process as per the instructions specific to your equipment. Headphone amps are totally different. The impedance matching bit consists of a potential divider of resistance 5-MOhms and 75-Ohms. The default display shows a value in decibels. Thanks for the help. Synthetic impedance matching Feb 12, 2015 · simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab. Stable readings: Wait for the readings to stabilize. The input current is 333. impedance is reduced to a very small value at a low frequency. TF v (vout) Vin would calculate the voltage gain, input impedance, and output impedance between the node vout and the source Vin. In practice, you can use this approach to perform the experiment in real time against a physical plant. G →total,open(s) = open-loop of the system. Afterward, you will simulate with a matching network based on Load Pull results (lab 1) and created with the ADS Impedance Matching tool (optional step only if you have time). 6 milliAmps. I assume this is because of the voltage drop at collector terminal of the Q2 transistor due to increase in load resistance. 60K @ 1KHz? Simply adding a series inductor to the output would appear to require a large 6-7H inductor. Jun 21, 2019 · The goal is to change the impedance of the equivalent circuit formed by the load+matching network so that it matches the impedance of the transmission line. Choose I=1A constant current source, then V = Z. I included the 2V input to bias up the OTA as it would see in normal operating conditions. output impedance measurements. You could try state-space averaging or the PWM switch model to try to calculate what the graph should be at a Sep 22, 2015 · The differential input impedance is thus R1 + R2. The example circuit in the article is Jun 18, 2007 · Activity points. Jun 10, 2023 · If we artificially introduce an impedance in series with an op-amp's output, and we take feedback from and measure the output after that resistance, we will see how negative feedback compensates for this extra impedance, and produces the correct output regardless: simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab Apr 26, 2018 · The schematic also includes an "impedance matching" part for connecting the voltage output of the differential amplifier to a BNC coaxial cable. 75 mA 7 V 0. 1 Ω resistor with a single parallel resistor equal to 212. You know these: Z 2 (known load) V out (voltage with load) V in (unloaded voltage) So you can calculate the First, you can just follow the definition of output impedance. This is because we are using the fact that Zin = Vin/Iin but Vin=1V so Zin = 1/Iin = 1 Dec 1, 2021 · The problem is that your transfer function is very complex, and when I say complex, I mean that both the real and the imaginary parts are functions of \$\exp(x)\$. We can measure voltage easily in LTspice that essentially equal to impedance. In the high frequency region, the output Jun 11, 2022 · To do this we can right click on the graph and select Add Trace. The required schematic to measure the output impedance is shown in Fig. A control loop would modify the output impedance, but you're open-loop. Let’s illustrate how this work in LTspice using basic passive components. Variations include Cheb. The impedance (magnitude and phase) as function of frequency is displayed by using the Impedance versus Frequency Measurement tool of the Powergui block. R = 5ns/15pF = ~333 Ohms. You can then calculate the source impedance using the voltage divider rule. Oct 26, 2017 · Advanced Member level 4. from zero to half of full value and back to zero in a parabolic function (if you have a linear taper pot, otherwise things are more complicated). For impedance measurement, if I choose 0. calculate Q-value of the resonant LC circuit: Q = fc BW Q = f c B W. V = Z * I. There are several possible impedance matching networks to choose from. This is a generalization of Ohm's Law for resistors. Record measurements: Accurately record the measurements. This will be the most relevant indication if you really only care about the output. Simpler to short the output through a 0V voltage source to ground, do another . You can wire a couple of resistor's between your amp and headphone which is effectively the same as adding output impedance. 2dB ripple filters, Bessel, with load removed to see high Q poles Feb 22, 2010 · The usual method to measure the output impedance of a circuit modeled by a VTH and RTH (Thevenin equivalent), is to measure the output voltage under two conditions: (a) without load (open condition) and (b) with a known load (Rload2) The output stage of my circuit is a CMOS source follower with a resistor load (Rload1). The designer had already used a PI filter topology, which should perform well for any impedance from low to high, per the chart. For example, on the PDQ Board, to use to a PORTM pin as an open collector output, you would first configure the pin as an input by writing a 0 to the corresponding bit position in Mar 17, 2019 · I am trying to simulate the equivalent circuit of an inductor using pspice 9. Are you talking about varying the series resistance or calculating the input resistance? The ratio of a sinusoidal voltage to a sinusoidal current is called "impedance". With R out in circuit, ask yourself what does the output of This example shows how to measure the input admittance and output impedance of a boost converter modeled in Simulink® using Simscape™ Electrical™ components. simulate the parameters which are important in design verification of a mixer. #5. Thus, its effects are small. The Address, Command and Clock signals all use a threshold of 0. Why should we do all of this and not just take R E as the Jul 31, 2022 · I mean 0 dB = 1 ohm, -10 dB = 0. A brief overview of how to determine input impedance through AC analysis in LTspice. It's very small, because it's close loop output impedance. Oct 21, 2003 · Run . Since both the noise and the desired input signal are amplified, you must take extreme care when designing high-gain circuits. Power supplies and electronic loads are complementary test equipment. 1A then the input/output has an impedance of 10ohm The output switches from its high impedance state to an active low, just as an open collector output would do. TF, you can find the output impedance. Nov 14, 2011 · With a typical 8-ohm speaker, that means the amplifier's output impedance is only about 6% of the total impedance of the circuit. The contents above describe the input and output impedance to direct current or low frequencies. (Its quite common to add a 0V source when you need to measure the current in a wire and there's no convenient single component to measure the current through. g. 1 Ω and the circuit would present the same impedance to the source at 100 MHz. The voltage across the current source give you the output impedance. Connect a resistor (R1) from Vout1 to ground. 2V input. 1. This slope resistance, in parallel with the collector resistor (Rc) dictates what the output resistance of the amplifier is. Normally, arbitrary behavioral voltage Abstract. Then run an AC analysis, and click on the node of interest. A good stability model lets you assess performance under various loads, enables feedback optimization and the use of a more advanced compensation schemes (higher order compensation, composite Oct 26, 2015 · The circuit in this question is used as an example, but the question applies to any high to low impedance current buffer requirement. Understanding Input and Output Impedance in Circuits: Common Emitter Amplifier ExampleDescription:Welcome to our tutorial on simulating input and output impe Calculating a circuit's input and output impedance by hand can be tricky, but CircuitLab makes it easy to check your work. ~573-j598 after converting the polar form to Sep 18, 2017 · This video illustrates how to use the . This means the slope resistance is 7 V 0. Feb 25, 2016 · The following code attempts to initialize register output_reg to high impedance, thereafter setting it to 1 on the positive edge of clk. From the SiMetrix menu, select DVM → Place → Source → Input Source. 75 mA corresponds to a CE range of 1V to 8V. The input impedance is connected across the input terminals of the amplifier while the output impedance is connected in series with the amplifier. Apr 14, 2023 · Afterwards, the output current starts to drop significantly. - measure both differential and common mode impedance of the driver in AC analysis. If we wanted to, we could replace XS2, XP2, and the 2. This example uses the frequency response estimation process to measure the input admittance and output impedance of an existing power electronics circuit model. 5 ohms to more than 100 ohms. If performing analysis on critical circuits with simulation, always verify the accuracy of the op amp model’s output impedance. For data rates up to 2133MTs the thresholds are +/-125mv. The pole formed by the output capacitor and the pass element occurs at a relatively low frequency, so PSRR tends to increase at low Feb 4, 2022 · The simulation of a digital GPIO involves a bit more than resistors. In ADS designGuide, there is a file called Stab_vs_freq_pwr. To characterize a mixer, the following figure of merits are usually simulated and measured. . Power Consumption 2. 1 ohm etc. 3uA = 1V/3K. Nov 9, 2022 · How do I model the closed loop output impedance of an op-amp with R,L,C parameters? The closed-loop output impedance of an opamp can be found using the loop gain. The schematic is as follows. The notable changes are the inclusion of an input signal voltage, Vin V i n, and a load, RL R L. Figure 1. If a power supply is used to power a device, an electronic load is used to test the power supply by emulating the device under test (DUT). AC analysis to look at open loop gain and phase of operational amplifier feedback circuits in LTspice. Thevenin resistance (output resistance) Rth should be very small compred to the load resistance Rload. Is there a good sophisticated method to simulate the input resistance. If the op-amp was 'railed' (saturated) then the differential input impedance would be higher: R2 + Rg + R1 + Rf. I am trying to graph the output impedance of the current mirror versus the output current. 333V. For output impedances, the first stage has an implied voltage source in front of it, (that we set to zero), with Jul 12, 2020 · \$\begingroup\$ For calculation of the output impedance you must connect a voltage (or current) source to the OUTPUT (and short the input node) and measure/calculate the corresponding current (or voltage) at the output node. This amplifier is based on a two-supply emitter bias circuit. 316 ohm, -20 dB = 0. 3V and VO = 0. Jan 4, 2018 · § Look up thevenin equivalent, it will help you understand how an output/ input can have an impedance. Using typical values for V_Fix = 3. 02 kΩ. 4. OP to prove this method. The network impedance is calculated as the transfer function H(s) from the current input to the voltage output of the state-space model. Plot the voltage at the port you are testing. TF statement gives the small signal characteristics (gain, input impedance, output impedance) between a source and node. As you can see for this particular IBIS model, the output impedance varies depending on the edge Feb 20, 2011 · Impedance Simulation using PSpice May 30, 2023 · The same is true of electrical currents, called inductance, and it's particularly important to alternating-current devices. 21 Ω. 240-01. Sep 30, 2021 · Software. From sysytem theory we know that the ouput impedance r2 of the "naked" opamp alone is reduced due to negative feedback by a factor of (1-loop gain): r_out=r2/(1-loop gain). 1,699. The input device, connected to the GPIO consists of a hig impedance buffer with hysteresis, also called a Schmitt Trigger. The inductor and capacitor impedance includes a term for frequency, so the impedance of these components depends on frequency. The next step is to right click on the voltage source and select advanced you will see several options and on the right there will be May 22, 2022 · Figure 7. Note that with a real opamp the possible About this lab - This lab uses small signal optimization for matching a FET amp to 50 Ohms. Jul 11, 2020 · V = Z * I. Input and Output Impedance Matching 5. The output impedance of the amplifier is often higher than the impedance of the headphones. May 6, 2019 · The output impedance of an ideal opamp is zero. Apr 22, 2020 · PDN impedance is one of those critical concepts in high speed PCBs, but many designers leave it as an afterthought. Figure 2: total open loop, open loop impedance, closed loop impedance Dec 14, 2018 · Let's use 1 V. For components running at 5 V or 3. Let’s use this circuit to test the e n of the OPA1692 SPICE model. (Don’t attempt to look at the input to determine the output impedance, since your black Dec 19, 2018 · To measure e n , run a noise analysis over the desired frequency range and plot the results at output node e_n with respect to input source Vin. As an example: . As far as I learned, the rule of thumb for the ratio of output impdance to load (input impedance)is 1 to 10. We derive the impedance of a resistor, inductor, and capacitor. I run. R=V/I where for I, ac=1, so V is output impedance. A novel method for measuring the shunt impedance of current sources in Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) systems is introduced. assign out = output_reg; initial. So XP2 = 21. Apr 10, 2020 · #Multisim#software#simulationMeasure the Impedance of a AC circuit using Multisim 14. — It determine how much voltage will be shared between the black box and the output load. V out = Z 2 /(Z 1 +Z 2)*V in. a transient sim prior to the ac sim to ensure correct bias occurs. applied on an op-amp, the output impedance of the op-amp is compressed by its open loop gain. H ( s ) = V z ( s ) I z ( s ) . Feb 22, 2020 · Voltage Amplifier : The gm of the structure is still the gm of the bottom transistor while the output impedance is much higher than a CS amplifier. 3 V, you will usually be fine if you use adjacent plane layers and a few decoupling/bypass capacitors on critical components. LO to RF and LO to IF Isolation 6. This ensures maximum power is delivered at the output giving your ADC the best values. Transformer Modelling. The output impedance is the equivalent of the two resistors in parallel. The circuit is shown below : May 29, 2019 · With little time to explain, I tried to simulate the Horn with a 6pF + 50 Ohms at 1GHz. The OPA1692 is a low-power, low-noise audio amplifier from TI. So that these components do not alter the bias, we isolate the input and load through the use of coupling How could I further increase the output impedance to aprox. Run an AC simulation over the frequency range you are interested in. You should think of an output device that has 3-states: Low, High, and High Impedance. I think it is right. Figure 7 shows the test results. Output impedance is simply how much impedance is at the “out” end of the system, like headphone jacks or cable connections. Then measure the AC current and calculate the impedance. Try TF analysis. I would like to know what the input and output resistances in opamp circuits represent and if possible how to obtain them from equations Step 1: How to Set Up the Simulation. 159Hz (1/2*pi), and a value of 1V AC amplitude, I Oct 28, 2011 · Right click on advanced for the current source and set AC amplitude to one in the box for small signal AC analysis. Regards, Rob This video shows the basic series RLC resonator circuit simulation in one of the most used IC design tools in the industry and academia: Cadence virtuoso. If this was only about . Sep 28, 2017 · To find the output impedance of the transistor it looks like the AC input source has to be shorted, the current due to h rc v o (which is ~v o since h rc ~1) should be taken as I b now and then the I e corresponding to this I b is used to arrive at the output impedance as shown below. 65 kOhm. Here's the original input filter circuit (Figure 2). I need to plot its impedance vs frequency to observe the parasitic behavior. 5598V at 10nS, Zs = 10. Flip through the screenshots below to see how we can quickly simulate the Thevenin equivalent resistance looking into the input and output of an amplifier. \$\endgroup\$ – Nov 8, 2022 · Before you launch the analysis, place a probe on the wire where you want to calculate impedance, it will give you access to both current and voltage at the same point. Aug 9, 2023 · I use Wurth EMI line filter spice module, but I can not simulate the same attenuation and frequency wave of specification. ) The output limits. Mar 16, 2018 · Output impedance is a key contributor to an op amp’s small-signal behavior. Input impedance– determines the sensitivity of the power system to input filter or input power system components. This application note guides through the measurement steps. 3. Audiosusceptibility– determines the transmission of noise from input to output. I am new to pspice and I don't know how to simulate the Impedance vs Frequency. Jun 28, 2016 · It only becomes a problem when you have a variable potential divider and it keeps changing as you set the wiper position. If we consider the input voltage and current to be V in and I in and the At light load currents, typically less than 50 mA, the output impedance of the pass element is high. Then the output impedance is found to be the voltage at the output (Vout) divided by the current. You can get low frequency gain. NI Multisim is a powerful schematic capture and simulation environment that engineers, students, and professors can use to simulate electronic circuits and prototype Printed Circuit Boards (PCBs). op and divide Vthevenin by the current through the short. R out is the output impedance of the op-amp. Jun 4, 2017 · A constant power load is designed to dynamically adjust the load current inversely with the load voltage so that the load power is constant, P = VI. 1 7. Oct 14, 2023 · I would like to measure the impedance of Vout1 and Vout2 to make sure that it is within the allowed range for the signal conditioning circuit of a diagnostic device I am designing. This will teach you how the optimizer and goals are used. Sep 24, 2020 · Something like this. This can be simulated in LTspice. 216. Nov 21, 2016 · Re: Determine output impedance using LTSpice. Similarly we want the input impedance to be high as to not draw current from the source. 21 Ohms. ) The linear range of operation Fig. Note the symmetry between input and output impedance: For input impedances, the last stage has an implied load with infinite impedance. tr/tf (10% to 90%): 5ns @ 15pF load. A DVM schematic requires familiarity with some new simulation circuit blocks. Linearity Dec 28, 2016 · In this case, the input impedance to the filter could vary, depending on the sensor impedance, and we knew the output impedance was 4. It explains how to break the feedback loop in an op amp circuit while maintaining the correct operating point so that the plot the open loop transfer function of the circuit can be obtained and the phase An electronic load is a test instrument designed to sink current and absorb power out of a power source. This helps boost the small signal gain of the device, provided the Io in the picture is also implemented as cascode, otherwise the gain will be limited by the output impedance of the current source Io. The following steps are for the Single Frequency AC Analysis: From the main menu select Simulate»Analyses»Single Frequency AC Analysis; Select the Output tab Aug 31, 2023 · define the output bandwidth (BW), and center frequency (fc) of the amplifier. Datasheet of a CMOS Oscillator. Jan 27, 2016 · For instance, when IB I B = 40 uA, I estimate that a collector current range of 8 mA to 8. And how these measurements can be used to verify manufacturers' models, or to create your own op amp stability model. Nov 3, 2016 · As always, we must set the voltage of the source to zero in order to find the stage impedance. That is why + terminal of the op amp is connected to the ground. And lets add some external R out to make the output obviously non-ideal. Is it possible to approximately calculate the output impedance of an oscillator if the rise/fall times at a given load capacitance are known, simply by using the formula for the RC time constant T = R * C? For example: CMOS oscillator e. But there is no description or example how to use it. output_reg <= 1'bz; end. For the purposes of This circuit should have low output impedance because we want op-amps to operate like ideal voltage sources. You have to multiply by 50 to convert the normalized impedance into ohms (assuming your S parameters were measured on a 50 ohm network analyzer). Impedance is the sum of these factors, which involves a little complicated math. My method is as follows: Run the simulation and measure the average voltage of Vout1. ads input impedance. simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab The Bode 100 with its impedance adapters offers an easy and fast way of measuring the ESR over frequency. The op-amp has to be a rail-to-rail input and output type for +5V only supply. The . Jun 17, 2016 · 1. Linearity Aug 27, 2022 · In this example, we want to measure the output impedance of the amplifier of previous example. Here is a circuit that can be simulated, based on the above definition of differential input impedance (values picked to be different). simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab. POD output drive strength 40 Ohms Altera Standard (See note 2) Board trace characteristic impedance 40 Ohms Strongly Recommended (Micron) Notes for Table 1: 1. For 2400MTs the thresholds are +/-100mv. This overall circuit is called a transimpedance amplifier (abbreviated TIA). 0. Z out,open(s) = the open-loop impedance. Look for subtle variations with source and load impedance to get a feel for the impact of the corner or intermediate reactance of an antenna. Fortunately, adding an ideal op-amp allows us to control both the input impedance and output impedance and make a much improved current-to-voltage converter. Changing structure to run AC simulation. There should be a bypass capacitor on the op-amp supply and input or output protection may be required in a real circuit. To turn it off, merely reconfigure it as an input. To do this its very simple the first step is to make your desired circuit (I will do another instructable on how to actually do this) but leave the voltage source blank. In the add trace window, we give a trace name called Zin which is the input impedance. I simulated a circuit to "brute force" an approximation to the equation y=(2^(x-1) )/100000 as a way to create a linear voltage to exponential current converter where 0 < x < 5 volts and 0 < y < 1. Figure 1: Simulation circuit for a resistor, a capacitor and an inductor. …Read more Less…. begin. When a negative feedback is. ) The systematic input offset voltage. bx bo vo ae jx my cv us je pd