I thought that was odd. No pajamas. The interview questions are more directly related to what your potential job would be; e. Side note, this is my first phone interview for a professional company. I decided to accept the Nissan position, but literally the day after, I got an email saying that Stellantis wants a phone interview with me. You should be fairly relaxed and comfortable for a phone interview. Search DuckDuckGo for “technical interview questions for engineers” and “behavioral interview questions for engineers”. I had two “lines” of service which usually works, but somehow the call didn’t go through. 2nd interview was similar but the questions were at least more focused on the position (structural engineering). Smiling will come off as if you were smiling in real life, you will seem more excited about the position (or something like that) Questions they might ask: Your classwork and related experience. This is a place for engineering students of any discipline to discuss study methods, get homework help, get job search advice, and find a compassionate ear when you get a 40% on your midterm after studying all night. To prep, I recommend looking up common interview questions - there are a million articles from job search websites - and having a few pre-practiced or thought out answers. Ex "This is my first time hiring a new grad for this position" you follow up with asking how that came about and how they plan to structure the role for a new grad to succeed if they'd only been hiring experienced employees previously 3. Asking them how their day is going is usually a great open and makes you seem cordial. This is my phone interview prep and procedure method. HRT Algo Engineer Phone Interview. Don't go overboard and act cocky though, stay professional. But apparently they couldn’t reach me because of low service. Just landed my first phone interview today. If it's an engineer or a hiring manager, you may also expect some basic technical questions to filter out unqualified applicants. You absolutely have the right to know which kind of interview to expect. - The remaining time for questions. Image description. humble_ninja. Your goal in this phone call is to be interesting enough that the hiring manager wants to talk to you. Good luck! Customers happiness comes first! I have a phone interview with Universal Studios Orlando next week. Ask questions! Prepare a few questions, just make sure the answers can't be easily found on the company website. they said the recruiter would be in touch with next steps. Raytheon is a large company with bureaucracy. Relax and take a deep breath. The Principal Systems Engineer is most likely the hiring manager, which means that your resume already was filtered through HR. I have had 2 interviews which have utilized the "STAR" method of behavioral interviews. They asked you for an interview because your credentials seemed like a good fit. 4. Research the company/position and be prepared to go into more details about your résumé. Have your resume in front of you as well as a list of the classes you've taken. All free for 60 days. For the phone screen, I also concur that the point is to establish that someone isn't lying or embellishing on their resume. Half of it was questions about myself and what I knew about the position. The engineering team wants a team player that can walk and talk, write and present with confidence. faderfade • MSState - PTE, CHE • 6 yr. If you want to pursue this path (systems engineering) then I recommend reading the DAG (Chapter 3) before your interview. I don't think they'll ask technical questions especially for an internship (I'm also only a sophomore CHE though so it might be different). It really depends on the role / type of ee internship you are applying for. 5. Update: Little late but i want to thank everyone for their advice and help. Position is Data Engineer- Streaming AWS professional services. Interview prep help for data engineer position in amazon. A little background, I graduated from bootcamp over 3 years ago and landed a job at a big name sports organization but I wasn’t doing any coding. Have questions ready. Although the automotive union is corrupt, it's sadly still a necessity for the workers to maintain a good work environment and to protect their own interests. Their primary objective w a phone interview is to gauge your understanding and where youre at in terms of your development as an engineer. I had an in person interview with them, not sure if the phone one will be different, but mine was behavioral and they basically asked me for scenarios in which you showed leadership, challenge, etc. •. I co-oped with ELSYS as a 2nd year AE a few years ago. The rest of the interview is just them showing you stuff about Epic. For example, if the office generally has people in polo shirts and khakis, you should wear a dress shirt and slacks for your interview. if you're doing propulsion, they're going to ask you about specific aspects of The phone interview is a great tool if a candidate is out of town (still in school), and it can be used to sift through candidates to see who's worth flying in for a face-to-face. I asked about why they chose a particular architectural design, technology, etc. Interview. If they are asking if you have any other offers that's also a good sign! Means they know they need to kick it into high gear to snatch you up. Good luck. It felt like I was 1 interview out of 100 these people were doing and they couldn't have cared less about me. Network Engineering Intern Interview. Hey guys I recently scheduled a phone screen with General Motors for the Manufacturing Engineer Far and away the hardest interview I've done, despite only interviewing at unicorns & FAANGs mostly infamous for LC Hard. This is my first phone interview, anything I should be prepared for. I have a phone interview for a Network Engineering internship at my school. Google Amazon Support Engineer interview. Programming ability seems to be a huge plus in that department, so if you have any, I would speak to that. This is from interview experiences of friends and my own research. Mine was over in about 30 minutes. Buy LC premium and definitely gp through top 50 Bloomberg questions. Embedded Software Engineering internship phone interview. I’m assuming that the phone interview is just the first step in the interview process, but I was wondering what to expect for the later steps. Tell me about yourself/Tell me about your background. " I need help preparing for a phone interview that I managed to get because a recruiter reached out to me on LinkedIn. I'm excited and also absolutely nervous as I've been trying to get an interview here for quite some time! I've been preparing the past few days hoping to make a great impression. Read the rules before posting! SpaceX engineering internship interview. MembersOnline. Do a few jumping jacks between your interviews, if you can. You'll feel like you're ready for work. Problem solving skills, and be prepared with an example of a time you had to solve a big problem. Full time is a whole different ball game. However I am looking for advice from experienced individuals on things to say, good takes to make a proper introduction and good look for the interview. I had previously posted asking about what to expect in a phone interview with Twitter for the position of Software Developer/Engineer. I'll update if I get a response for the position! Thanks, Reddit! Uodate 2: So, I finished my interview this morning. you'll also notice functional Get ready for bed early, so you can turn out the light as soon as you start yawning, which will happen earlier than you expect. Hi all, I'm a third year chemical engineering student and I have a phone interview scheduled at 1 hour after one of my classes this Friday. Remembering that helps with confidence during the interview. I have a phone interview with Motorola at 4:30. There used to be 1-hour group interview questions but they changed to the 30-minute format to get in more questions. Know your resume front and back. The phone interview is just a screen to make sure you can code. My second interview had the hiring manager, another manager, the director of Additionally, it maybe useful to include examples regarding the application of soft-skills to answer questions like "How did you resolve a disagreement on a design choice?" Finally, it was handy to have general answers to very open-ended questions prepared. not really your typical algorithms/dsa question. Questions like: "Explain what you did on your school's electric vehicle team. Suit up. Idk if it was out of need, good interview, etc. Microsoft Service Engineer Phone Interview I searched but couldn't find information on how an interview for a Microsoft Service Engineer would go for an entry level hire right out of college. Actual technical interview with coding prior to bringing you in. THEY WILL ASK YOU IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS FOR THEM. So I believe my method works to some degree and would like to share it with you guys. This decides whether you'll come for a phone interview or even onsite. Job is completely virtual. I think I got the interview a month or two after applying, a phone call saying I'd receive an offer about a week after the interview, and the actual offer about a week after that. Review the Leadership Principles and have 2 good stories ready for each. The presentation was to be: - 10-15 min about my background, including why I wanted to work at Blue) - 20 min each on two different projects that I would consider to be significant examples as to why I would be a good fit. The same day as the in-person interview I sent them a thank-you email. The position I applied for is entry level and its basic qualification is to at least have a Bachelor’s in engineering. look up common interview questions and have them in mind. Louis, next was a call from El Segundo, and the offer came with a call from Arizona. The other half was a conversation about the company, what I would be doing exactly and our fantasy basketball teams. This is an update about the interview. Hey all, I'm about to have my first phone interview! I just got my degree in aerospace engineering, and my phone interview is with a smallish… . I then had that paper in front of me so I kept referencing to that. I even ask logic questions like given this sequence of numbers, identity the algorithm/pattern and code it (pseudocode even, to show they get the logic). Interview was a call from St. 8. Congratulations! I interned at the Austin office last year. Even though it is just a phone interview, be prepared with pen/paper. Interview for junior software engineer. It was the engineer manager, and he treated more as a conversation. Don't be afraid to ask questions about the role and culture during the interviews. I looked online and it looks like TYLin just does an HR interview and then a relatively informal hiring manager interview with a few engineers. Respect the picket line. It's stupid the amount of people that go to interviews and don't know the first thing about what they are interviewing for. I even emailed them at 11. Being able to critically think and analyze is the #1 thing I'm looking for; otherwise, anyone can do this job with just Google. requirements, implementation, testing, etc. Amazon, Palantir, Dropbox, ScaleAI, and even Citadel were easier than GCP by a wide margin. It's just a conversation. There's no sys design in the phone interview but do expect LC medium level problems. Raytheon tends to look for more technical employees. No STAR, no personal inventory tests. Show solidarity with other workers. Phone Interview for Entry Level Project Engineer/Estimator in Modular Construction first time poster here in r/construction i am a recent Industrial & Systems Engineering graduate with no direct construction/project engineering experience, only a 1 year co-op as both a quality engineer and a friction engineer (automotive industry). 3. For the open ended question they will just give you a hypothetical tech problem Epic might face and then you just brainstorm how you might solve it. I was told it was a way to gauge how I went about answering new problems. Share. Prepare some questions to ask that show you have done your research and interest in what they are doing. He will be taking notes that get sent to the hiring manager. I'm just more anxious about actually getting the job and I'm just making sure I am doing a good job in the interviews. Some questions for TSEs. Both of these are very casual and relaxed. I have an interview coming up this Friday, just looking for some insight into the potential questions that may be asked and what I should do before the interview to improve my chances of securing the position any help would be greatly appreciated thanks! Firstly, all the other initial comments are spot on Just answer honestly and show them how much you want to work there! They want people who want to work there and are excited about it. This was a brand new field for me also, at the time. If it's a phone screen it's not really an interview. Now, I have a second phone interview with the lead engineer at the specific branch that I applied for. Anything would be appreciated. Should I expect similar questions from the first phone interview (What is your biggest strength/weakness, 3 words your friends would describe you as, etc. Here is a list of phone interview questions to help you prepare: 1. This is my first interview and it's a lot shorter than I anticipated. CSCareerQuestions protests in solidarity with the developers who made third party reddit apps. My last phone interview came three hours late while a was a mile away from home taking my roommates dog for a long walk. This is where good social skills will come in to play, since you will most likely be speaking with a non-technical employee. While on the job, it's not called cheating, you're just working when you're looking up the answers. We didn't even mention my resume. I would really appreciate it if anyone could share their experience or give prep advice. (Mostly) lurker here who is interested in IT. You're freaking out because you feel unprepared, this will help ease that feeling. 13steinj. I’ve seen that there is a technical interview Firstly, let me add that this phone interview should be the basics around why I’m interested in this position, Q&A type questions. reddit's new API changes kill third party apps that offer accessibility features, mod tools, and other features not found in the first party app. I had my first phone interview for the Google Engineering practicum (spoiler: I didn't get the internship) in January. This would be a dream job if I can land it. This is a simple way for them to learn more about you. Be relaxed and be ready to talk. clean code, and fast execution. Ask about training opportunity. Other posts have said to read up about the company and talk about them but I don't even know if I have enough time. g. I recently had a phone interview. I received an invitation for a phone interview for Verizon’s network engineering intern position for this summer. ALWAYS HAVE QUESTIONS FOR THEM. Over the next few days, I read old threads on this subreddit and other sites on general phone interview tips, prepared answers/notes for a bunch of common behavioral interview questions (tell me about yourself, describe a time you demonstrated leadership, etc. First-round is coding assessment taking place on Codility. YMMV. I was speaking to the Director of Engineering. I didn't have much experience but I got hired for attractions and I love every single day. The invite email included the name of the team that was thankfully interested in me moving forward. prepare questions ahead of time. If someone comes in wearing a suit, they look Getting the interview means you're qualified. Had a phone interview with Twitter for Software Engineer. -2. Company Question. Though ScaleAI and Citadel were both very hard. Expect Interview questions. Think of the interview as a presentation because that is what it is. Make sure you've got some good questions to ask at the end too. During my phone interview a manager reviewed my projects on Github. Ex: "You'd be doing XYZ and occasional travel to other sites" you can follow up with how much travel. If I remember they will ask you if you have specific skills directly applicable towards your job. They might ask you your salary requirements. By the way, I am interviewing for my first co-op as an undergrad. Thing is, it's only supposed to be 5-10 minutes long. Once I got asked what past project they did was my favorite, and I was totally unprepared for the question. Any recommended strategy, questions I should ask or things I could possibly say that I couldn't do in a normal interview. Thanks! have your resume at easy access as it makes it a lot easier to talk about yourself. It's more like the HR person will discuss with you about the company and the role. Know at least the basics of what you are applying to. It's nothing to worry about. Maybe set aside 15 minutes before the interview to relax, go over the job description, look through your resume. 2/25/22 - 4/24/22: I'd been emailing my recruiter periodically May 31, 2024 ยท Phone interview questions with example answers. Ask about company culture, social events, etc. The interviewer is probably not going to ask a lot of very technical questions or very specific questions during a phone interview. Try not to pause or stutter, and if you do, be cool about it (ie "thats a good question" while thinking of a response). My advice would just to have fun with it and be creative. Just ask what the format is and ask if the interview will be more technical or not. they tend to like map/graph questions but not very complicated. Not too sure if this will belong, so remove if needed. I need some help in preparing for technical phone interview. He sounded very interested, we talked about doing an on site interview before the end of the year (location is about a 3 hour drive). This is my first ever interview of any sort so I'm nervous and I'm not sure what to expect. Especially as a new engineer interviewers expect lots of questions Think of interviews more like a date, sure you're trying to impress the company, but you also want to think about what you're looking for in a company and if they're a good fit. I'm experienced in permitting for wastewater discharge and chemical storage, writing work plans and recommendation reports for various sites - but no experience with Air Quality permitting. Strengths and weaknesses. most importantly I think is to remember your talking to a person, you dont want to be a robot. It was the phone screen, too. Come up with one or two anecdotes that really show you off. They'll probably ask you to discuss projects on your resume in detail and talk about the position. Hey everyone, I scored a phone interview with Siemens for a project control engineer. In my office, a typical day has me in a golf shirt and jeans. Ask tons of questions, view the problems as collaborative, literally don’t stop talking during the sessions. I’m a sophomore in college with zero background in embedded systems/software engineering, but this is what I wish to pursue as a career. Went through GM’s Hirevue interview, HR interview, and I just got done with the interview from the engineering managers. A cursory search online shows Service Engineers at MS work on a lot of Azure, server and networking stuff. 1. Upcoming phone interviewImposter Syndrome starting to kick in! So I have a phone interview w/ a Fortune 500 company in two weeks. Also not a bad idea to throw together a list Examples such as the Steel Construction Manual (AISC) aka the bible, ASCE 7, IBC, ACI-318, etc. Don't be excessive, but don't sell yourself short. Reply. The second interview with the manager is what you should be more worried about. First 10min they talked about the company, it's products, and it's mission. Or at least put on real pants and a shirt. Different roles will have different areas of technical questions. You can find some great questions and response ideas and thoughts here: Lifehacker: Post College Survival Guide. I've never had a phone interview before so I don't really know what to expect. Interview Questions. If it's just a recruiter you'll just go over the job requirements, salary expectations, telling you a little about the company (location, benefits, products, etc) and what to expect in the technical interview. 2/17/22 - had my 3rd interview with another tangential team member. r/cscareerquestions. Maybe do some mental excercises to get the creative/problem solving juices flowing before the interview. Update : r/cscareerquestions. Look up blog posts regarding how the role fits into Meta’s structure. The biggest thing is to just be a normal human, nobody wants to hire some nerd robot (well maybe spaceX idk). Tomorrow, I have a phone interview with an embedded software engineering internship that I’m sure to massively screw up. Study those. In the email all that was said was "I look forward to connecting to learn more about you and tell you more about this opportunity". More importantly however, the behavior of reddit leadership in implementing these I recently got an interview invite from Tesla. scenarios. Just cried during General Motors ME internship interview. I aint gonna lie not having prior experience is not a position you want to catch yourself in again because they are going to want to know what you have done outside of school. -4. Because it was for an "engineering" position, I made sure to mention the full process ie. General Motors is target of a strike currently. Okay guys. First interview was "gotcha" type brain teasers and had nothing to do with the actual job. First of all, just wanted to thank this sub for just existing in general and being a great source of info for me thus far. Pretty excited and nervous as I am still a fresh engineer with only a year and a half working professionally. Been focusing on leetcode for some days don’t know how much that will help. ago. Everyone is struggling to get in meaningful and sufficiently deep questions in their 30-minute slice. I did one phone interview with the Therapist who hired me, a second follow-up(in-person) interview a few days later. The list of interview topics is mostly aimed at the in-person interviews. I managed to land myself with a phone interview for a test engineering position working with Starlink. That was the extent of the technical stuff, but others have told me they had to do HackerRank challenges. YOUR QUESTIONS. they build on top of the last part. They also ask questions to see your thought process for how you would solve problems. They're not as scary as they sound. The point of the interview is to hire the more competent person so when a complex problem arrives which idiots can no longer look up, one can solve it on his own. So I have a phone interview with a recruiter tomorrow for a summer software engineer internship. Whether you are in a face to face interview or a phone interview, the responses that you give can make or break your case. Basically title. I had a phone interview for an internship that I really wanted, at 11am. It is embarrassing to admit but this will be my first interview experience and I don't know where to start to prepare for it! I'm starting to wonder how I can be mentally prepared in just 60 minutes! The only phone interview I had lasted about an hour, and I eventually got the job after they called me in for a second interview. As someone who conducts phone interviews every week let me give you a few tips on what to do and what not to do: Take your time. They replied back a few hours later that I was hired. Look up common interview questions and then write them down with your answers, then try and find EE common interview questions and do the same. , basic resume questions) or Remember, you want the person interviewing you to be able to imagine yourself meshing well with the team. AskEngineers is a forum for questions about the technologies, standards, and processes used to design & build these systems, as well as for questions about the engineering profession and its many disciplines. a common question is to implement a board game. Step 2: Brag on yourself a little bit. The next 15min was them asking me about my background and to elaborate on specific parts of my resume. If anyone has previously attended interviews for the same role please let me know. • 6 yr. 05 asking if they were having trouble contacting me. You don't need that many rehearsed answers in your pocket. Nothing too crazy just the standard patterns. The HR screener will not understand your answers. Don’t be afraid to ask what the interview will look like. I had some stuff up that used data structures, nothing anyone serious about software development wouldn't know. Mainly Customer Obsession, Ownership and Bias for Action. Focus on windows, Linux and networking. I've only applied for 2 software engineering positions (did them as internships) so for those interviews I generally asked questions related to the technologies the companies were using. You’d probably be asked conceptual things on digital circuits, maybe doing circuit analysis, maybe designing a circuit with op amps, or maybe even coding. You should maintain eye contact just about the entire time. The position is Software Engineering Intern (Summer 2022, US). I received fulltime offers from Nissan and Continental. Internships. Deep design & implementation questions will be saved for in-person where you whiteboard and they can provide realtime feedback and questions about your answers. Currently working toward an A+ certification so that I can get my foot in the door with a technical support / Helpdesk position, but would honestly take anything that got me experience in the field. I'm also gonna try to get mentally and physically prepared for the interview. Had a phone interview with a company today for full time after graduation. Award. Good luck! Don’t sleep on the behavioral, they’re interested in candidates who have an understanding of how DEs work inside of the company. Add a Comment. S in Mechanical engineering and the job search has been surprisingly good for me. What should I expect and any advice? That’s not an interview, that’s a screening call for the real If it’s a phone screening interview, especially 15 mins in length, it will probably be behavioral questions asked by someone in HR. Reply reply. r/EngineeringStudents. If someone comes in wearing a button-up shirt and a pair of Dockers, they're going to look just fine. You lose a lot of brownie points if you don't have any questions for them. I've never heard of them, but in general, the first phone interview is pretty general and used for screening. Very informal interview, mostly behavioral questions and asking about what interests me. Archived post. The position is for an associate technical engineering Interview with an engineer or hiring manager but only for background. Maybe some technical questions in the second interview. Update. Also, it sounds like the info is exactly the same as it was when I joined Google in 2013, which was already old and very definitely aimed at pure Software Engineers (which I wasn't doing). The 1st phone interview went well imo, but that was with HR. I graduated this past December with my B. I’ve been sleeping with 5h/night this whole summer from clubs and my current fulI-time internship, but I still practiced so much this weekend. Moderate exercise in the morning before your first interview. What you study, what you do, kind of job, etc. informal conversation - they reviewed Disney's mission statement and employee values (from the website) and discussed their career path within the company. You'll feel anxious. Also, I believe the next stage of the interview is an even-more-informal interview in-person A phone interview will probably lean more towards the second half of that list as well as basic algorithms questions (ie can you talk about generic well known algorithms & data structures). 2. Also do some research on the company, and look at their past projects. falsemyrm Devops • 2 yr. And specifically for the manufacturing engineer intern position, how was the work? I would like to focus more on the software side of things, such as controls or PLC, and was wondering if anyone could chime in with their experience on that. I have the initial phone screening coming up for the new grad Algo Engineer position. However, when reading the preferred qualifications, I feel like I’m not good enough. I was just offered a phone interview with SpaceX for a summer internship and I need some advice because I’m quite surprised my I threw in some technical details to show that I knew what I was talking about. ), as well as reserved a quiet room in my university's library. Engineers apply the knowledge of math & science to design and manufacture maintainable systems used to solve specific problems. I know the phone screen doesn’t always lead to an interview but I had to give him a timeframe for when I could interview, so I’m trying to prepare as if I’ll have one. You will have a chance to ask questions about the position. Don't freak out. You can find all the questions there. I’ve been using this method for last 4 phone interviews I’ve had, and I’ve been called in for an in-person interviews for each of those positions (these positions aren’t even local). I had an interview for a tooling engineer position a couple of years ago. I’m a recent college grad currently in middle of interviewing for a technical solutions engineer position at Epic and just had a few questions for people in this role or that would know about it. "How does a rice cooker work", "why are manhole covers round", and "why was the front wheel on old-style bicycles so big" were the most interesting questions I've ever received during an interview for an engineering company. I will be preparing answers to basic questions and STAR questions. I made sure to visit the company's website and wrote anything I felt important, in bullet points. Friday rolls around. Recruiters and hiring managers will likely start a phone interview by asking about your background. I went through 3 stages of phone screening - 1 HR, 2 deeply technical (like 1-2 hours each of technical questions and hypotheticals). r/AerospaceEngineering is a forum for enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals to share knowledge, experience, and learn about aerospace topics. If you have a project on your resume, they'll go into it (minor technical but deeper behaviorial). xd pb ag bd xs wj ik ja ps vu