Dui reddit

( so my court is Van Nuys court) My BAC at the field was . Most people will get it (assuming they are eligible) for a first DUI. If you cannot make your appointment for any reason, immediately get in touch with your PO to explain. DO NOT aim to be a pity party. He must listen to you carefully and save your human rights potential and his techniques should be flexible with your requirements. This is a huge risk and do so with tremendous caution. In Michigan, a third or subsequent DUI/OWI conviction at any time during one's lifetime is a felony, carrying 30 days to 5 years of incarceration. 15. . What has your experience with dui education been? Mine is as follows. What county did you get this DUI in? Cook County tends to be pretty lenient. For the speeding charge, up to 30 days in jail and up to $500 in fines. I assume she’ll need a lawyer familiar with the Probably not. I had a minor charge (bad check) that I had to get expunged before I could go to nursing school. The insurance industry is highly competitive. It's not a massively big deal, u/askingforafrienddui should have his buddy contact a lawyer (like myself :) Follow all laws and do not draw attention from cops. That saves money. First Got a dui for my first offense back in June. Dating back 100+ years. It probably won't, I was in the same situation, DUI still pending as we speak but I was hired 5 months ago. Those penalties are greater if your prior DUI has 5 By everything just running its course your suspension starts 45 days after the arrest and you have 30 days of no driving at all, but if you complete alcohol screening prior to the end of the 30 days the they will mail you a restricted use permit, this means you can drive for work purposes. *2. inb4 it stays on your driving record for 10 years. IMO, the car insurance increases aren't as bad as people think. If over . She got a DUI last night. If you hire a private attorney who specializes in DUI cases, you’re hiring their expertise in this area where they likely go to trainings on a regular basis and are up to date on the best way to fight your case. You got arrested, placed in a holding cell for many hours, got your vehicle from the impound lot, & now you are looking This actually happened at my first DUI classes back in the late 90's. Correct it's a traffic ticket. A major thing for them is going to be the status of your driver's license. First time DUI in Illinois. Update on my DUI - GA. Blew a . Do not give your PO any more information than they ask for. They don't care about the DUI morally, but they are picky with hiring people without a car. Remember, if you are caught, it means serious jail time (in my case, mandatory 10+ days in jail and additional fines/consequences. Edit: getting some downvotes. So you just got a DUI. I had court today. Martinsmithga. Do this only if you absolutely have to, if there are no other means of transport. If you win, you’d likely walk away with all charges dropped and no financial penalties. 2. I was pulled over yesterday due to one of tail lights going out and during the stop the officer informed me that Plead guilty, did time. First, problem your going to have is it looks like your active duty still and if that’s so your behavior leading to a DUI and jail time could make you ineligible for any VA benefits if you get a dishonorable discharge as it seems you might. No criminal record in the past, and no traffic tickets at time of the arrest in my driving record. The refusal to blow at the station can result in a 1 year automatic license supension. 4 Every law has a minimum and a maximum, and the minimum for DUI in California is three years of unsupervised probation, a fine of $390 plus assessments, and a first offender alcohol program. Most labs will not test under 2. If they are unavailable, call the front desk and leave a message for them. Hiring an attorney is like buying a car. Please read: Your Life is not over if you received a DUI. For those that don't know, Arizona is THE strictest state It really varies company to company like drug testing, generally good jobs care less about non violent convictions and drug tests. Be looking for a job in which you don’t have to drive. With the winter holidays fast approaching, chances are we'll be seeing an uptick in DUI arrests over the next few months. 4 points, and 90 day restricted. You would need to bring all those records with you when you arrive and be honest with border agents. If they're risking their freedom not just on probation but on PAROLE, then they need assistance. Look through the paperwork for it, and if you feel like you can handle it all, you can go at it without a lawyer. I was lucky that the school found The self-surrender area is the entrance before the public entrance, which they have signs for. But they commonly will lower or waive the fee. Hello, I just got a DUI in Flagstaff AZ. Being underage does not help of course. For the loud noise, likely up to $250. KillerWombat56. No, your first DWI doesn't mean your life is over. *1. Find a lawyer that is licensed in both OH and KY. 11 at the station. You don’t want to come off as a mopey person if asked. They said it was because I completed the Drug/alcohol evaluation, MAAD, and dui classes before the court date and had some community service done. I (25M) received a DUI in Oct. For a first DUI in GA. You face a 6 month suspension (if you blew) or one year suspension (if you refused). Recent (within the last two years): Depending on the field and role, you probably won’t be asked. Essentially hospitals wouldn’t allow me to do clinical a with any sort of charge. I've been struggling with severe depression for the last few weeks and I went to the bar to try to unwind and maybe meet someone. Sort by: Search Comments. • 4 yr. Get yourself a lawyer. Long story short THC DUIs are difficult for the state to prove because they most prove impairment. This past year, Florida passed a law that allows someone with a first time DUI charge to have it reduced to a reckless driving charge. 30 BAC. Pulled over last night for slightly running a stop sign. 02 of the given range - regular DUI, aggravated/enhanced DUI - then don't bother hiring a lawyer. If you have a high bac then you might get a substance abuse evaluation and treatment. They really don’t need much for probable cause. A DUI Conviction in IL will revoke your license and it can years and endless BS to get it back. I received a DUI back in August of this year (2017) it happened after a wedding I was attending. The point I’m trying to make is, even if the DUI gets reduced to a lesser charge, you still have the DMV hearing which is hard to beat. I left the winery with a couple friends, was raining beforehand. Thank you. Got my first back in November 2012. Got pulled over basically right after with no injuries or damages to any environment, however blew a 0. Well it’s happened. But generally, a DUI is going to affect your rates for at least three years. That's a normal issue among most states. 6 points, 90 day suspension. When was your DUI? Likely you will have to get it expunged for nursing school. I know plenty of people with dui’s that are still in lmao. The best advice I can give you is to get as many quotes as possible. An expungement is something you can do on your own if you choose. If you can’t, then get a lawyer. 96 hours jail. I highly recommend that you shop around and get the best lawyer because they can screw your life. The first hour is spent booking, signing forms, but you don't have to do a drug or alcohol screening; at least I didn't have to. Depending on the circumstances, I doubt you get a chapter man. You will likely be forced to select from a limited number of MOSs regardless of your line scores, but once you’re in you can freely reclass. The teacher/instructor seemed upset and even concerned. It was in a different state than where she’ll be moving to/applying for her medical license. Do not post your command or name! Post all questions and discussion about recruiters, MEPS, the Delayed Entry Program, Enlisted Ratings, "A" Schools, Officer Candidate School, Boot Camp, and transferring to your first command in our sister subreddit, r/newtothenavy. GL. It really help to know I was not alone in this and this page showed me so many people can relate to what I was going through. Marked misdemeanor (Bay Area). of it so far. Although I was not caught driving, it could have been way worse and the option of taking an uber will always be 100% cheaper than getting a DUI. Individual classes. For the marijuana possession, minimum sentence of 4 months, a maximum sentence of 2 years, and a minimum fine of $1000. Completed probation with no violations, compleated all my dui class. The teacher or whoever, took him into the hallway and had him blow into a breath machine. 6 points, 30 day suspension, 150 day restricted. What’s crazy is they didn’t set my probation until 2021 and just this March of 2022 I went through it all and completed it. We had SrA Snuffy with a pending line number get a DUI and to be honest, received a slap on the wrist. Blew . I got a DUI the same day I got an offer for a $175k a year banking job. My car insurance went up very little after my 1rst DUI. Fast forward 10yrs and I became that drunk guy! Every law has a minimum and a maximum, and the minimum for DUI in California is three years of unsupervised probation, a fine of $390 plus assessments, and a first offender alcohol program. But it depends on the employer. Drinking and Driving is a massive taboo in the US. Hopefully they don't press to deport. It was a non driving dui. DUI is ruining my life. You got arrested, placed in a holding cell for many hours, got your vehicle from the impound lot, & now you are looking For similar coverage I went from 3000/year for 2 cars to 1200/year for 2 cars. If you wait enough time (I think it’s 10 years from the offence), then you may be deemed rehabilitated. I previously ran an outpatient alcohol treatment center and one of our primary areas of focus was post DUI education and treatment. 07 if you blew . I’m in the thick of it right now, having plead guilty to my second on June 3rd, so I can’t say yet how badly this will affect my career trajectory. Share. This is primarily a US Navy-centric subreddit, but all are welcome. Over $6000 in fines alone (not counting SCRAM, counseling, attorney fees etc) 5 years probation eventually reduced to 3. Alcohol and Other Drug Assessment, and likely have to do a victim impact panel. I was out in the suburbs with a friend and definitely should've slowed my drinking pace but it doesn't happen often and I drank too much. My biggest gripe, was the impound of my car and getting it out was a nightmare and a huge cost. Reply. I only regret that nothing too specific will be answered. Just got my 2nd dwi in Texas and the first one I got was in 2019. I had my 3rd Dui and on the day I went to court I was sentenced 180 days in jail and loss of license for ten years also went straight to jail once I was sentenced. REMEMBER OPSEC. You can always ask for a public defender and if you don’t like them, hire private counsel later. •. DUI and keeping the stripe, what a time to be alive. I’d like to know what anyone’s process or experience they’ve had travelling with a DUI offence or something similar? I want to travel overseas mainly Japan and USA but the information usually leads me to calling the embassy to Entering Canada with a DUI. discussion. For the paraphernalia, a minimum sentence of 4 months, a maximum sentence of 2 years, and a minimum fine of $1000. As a side note, when both your DMV suspension and your conviction happens near the same date, your license OWI here in MI, is up to 93 days jail, up to $500 in fines. Hi i had a couple of duis close to each other several years ago and am eligible low bac, but was suspended for 4 years. In many cases there must be substantial driving behavior observed, obvious impairment, and an active THC level to secure any sort of conviction. Reckless Driving is up to 93 days jail, up to $500 in fines. Under California Vehicle Code Section 13353, if an officer has probable cause to arrest you and you refuse to submit to a blood or breath test, you face an automatic one-year license suspension and you will be required to attend a nine-month DUI program. Yes a lawyer is worth it. Discussion. This subreddit involves persons accused of DUI in California, including related DMV hearings and…. Also, there used to be a deal where you could spend your jail time in other jails within LA County and pay for it. The cost for an expungement, like everything in law, depends. Add a Comment. A nursing student posts on r/dui about her first DUI arrest and feels like her life is over. 10 thoughts and advice from a DWI/DUI attorney. I was the only one hurt (almost died actually), ended up in the hospital and my BAC was . Show up on time, every time. Good luck. First off I do realize that getting the DUI in the first place was my fault and I am stupid for driving under the influence but here's my story anyway. • 1 yr. Prior to 2007, the arrest date of the third offense had to be within 10 years of the date of the first conviction for it to be a felony. Also, consider the insurance trick of getting a primary policy and a cheaper second rider policy to issue DUI proof of insurance from (or in other states than yours an SR-22). Over the years, these laws have become more strict, as a result of several groups lobbying for change, such as MADD, and they will continue to become more strict as long as there are drunk drivers on the road. The 'court supervision" never, ever goes away. Hi there, I have a DUI from December 2018, recieved 6 month driving suspension and $600 fine. When you leave a state, the statute of limitations is paused until you return to the state. San Diego has a longer probation period than other courts - five years. 19. 9 month license suspension followed by 1 year IID. Im 23 and got a dui for backing out of my driveway and having a minor fender bender. They saw the DUI on the background check and were totally cool with it. As for the penalty of your DUI, I can only say that there are statutes that the judge must abide by when sentencing DUI convicts. You will be able to apply for limited driving in OH after 15 days of hard time no driving. Oh and it was in New Jersey its been almost ten years now since that happened I get my license back in December. 1 day ago ยท Posted by u/No-Blueberry1749 - 3,114 votes and 488 comments I got pulled over 6 months ago due to the direct actions of my very drunk (now no longer) friend in my car. Just know it will take a few months, minimum, depending on your situation. A good lawyer can argue a few points, but it's wishful thinking a lawyer can argue a . Other party is claiming minor injuries (typical accident stuff, but this is more civil I believe) and I have a clean Generally with background checks and prohibited offenses, they’re more so talking about violent offenses, sexual offenses, drug offenses, or anything else felonious and/or egregious. My camera lights are on, even when the car is off, headlights are off, and keys are out of the ignition. I have 1 year pronation supervised until 40 hours is done for community services and then it gets moved to Edit: would like to add that I’ve read of people getting getting a DUI charged reduced to a Wet and Reckless with a low BAC like myself using a public defender or by themselves. In June 2023, I got a dui, got pulled over coming out of a bar (pretty sure they followed me because I wasn’t driving for more than 2 minutes) for swerving. 9 months into probation for a DWI, here's what I have learned. TheGhost118. She receives comments from other users who have been through similar situations and offer support and tips. If you end up pleading guilty to DUI in KY you will pay around $750 in fines, likely get 6 month license suspension, 2 year unsupervised probation, and 20 hrs of classes required to be taken in KY. No slurring, no red or watery eyes, no stumbling, walking in heels perfectly fine. Drinking and driving, how expensive a dui is, substance abuse, sobriety, stress Dmv dui reinstatement hearing process. As someone said. More likely, you will be processed and if you're lucky, released without even spending the night. Generally jobs do not care about a DUI unless it is recent and it's a driving job. This is his 5th and has been in jail, that should be a wake up call. If you live in the city I'd definitely go for the IID. $260 is cheap here in FL for a 23 year old without a DUI. 15, you get an interlock. MyDrugAddictedSon. These were my sentencing terms (CA): 18 month alcohol treatment program. Unfortunately, his job and side hustles are more than likely gone. Depending on whether or not it’s a felony or misdemeanor, a misdemeanor shouldn’t bar you from working in nursing homes. It feels so good to wipe your hands clean of all of it and see it as Please read: Your Life is not over if you received a DUI. An attorney have many tricks up their sleeves. MisterGGGGG. The maximum is six months in jail, and fines and fees that total over $5,000. I blew a BAC of . Hello! Yup! They 100% will. . Unsure how to proceed from here. The interlock device, fines, and alcohol awareness classes are designed to prevent future incidents. pettylecroix. 12 followed by . Hopefully you can get out of a conviction. DUI in June 2019. r/DUICalifornia. 09 and my first appearance they didn’t even give me a chance to get a PD, they just offered to drop to reckless and ainterlock for a year. After my dui I felt myself going into depression until I found this page. 1. Got dui dropped! I want to thank everyone in this group for keeping me sane during this process. Had an interview for a federal government job 18 months after conviction, ended up getting the job and have it to this day. In places that have a per-se THC metabolite limit (often 5 ng/ml, similar to the 0. 3rd DUI might I add, so that tells you that not all employers uses this as a disqualifier. If your lawyer is able to win your case at trial or negotiate to have it reduced to Reckless Driving, then the 3rd DUI penalties will not apply and your license will not be revoked. 20 BAC and I "blew" it out of the water with a . His license is toast. If you lose, you’ll get the worst outcome possible for ‘wasting’ the state’s time proving something everyone already knew - you were OVI. 299 I’m scared out of my mind, I meet with a lawyer today, I In terms of imprisonment, after a third conviction within 10 years of second conviction, imprisonment is at least 30 days. Since you're on probation the one time can pull you over without a reason, so if you see a good amount of police presence in your area then you make a decision based on that. Dude I’m 32 and I’m paying 200 for liability on a 2002 ranger. DUI (Los Angeles County) About my case: I was pulled over during thanksgiving weekend in Malibu,ca. My DUI is ruining my life nearly two years after the conviction. DUI. I beat a dui through diversion. ago. All because of two character letters and they won some awards. But I am right there with you, and will be following this thread closely. A wake up call what are you talking about. about $800-1000 in fines, 6-9 month license revocation. Using an alt account, long time lurker, but figured I should help others out going through the same thing. DUI is considered a crime of moral turpitude I think. Any advise would be really appreciated. The average number of times someone drives drink before being caught is around 80. That’s cheap! I recently quoted another car and holy crap, the insurance is more than the car payment. You will need three forms: The courts in Los Angeles county charge a filing fee of $150. a. The recruiter told me if they didn't hire people with DUIs then they would have missed out on a lot of good people. AZ First Time Dui. I know, for a fact, that in Chicago they are strictly prohibited from chasing any cars for "traffic offenses", narcotics, ectIn big cities, they deal with serious and violent crimes. Work closely with your lawyers. If you don't want to do the legwork yourself, you can go through an insurance agent. Second, having anxiety and depression with DUI with jail time alone LA County Jail is so overcrowded my guess is you won't have to spend 6 days inside. 3. A clunker might not even get you point A to point B. If the third conviction is more than 10 years, than not more than 12 months of prison. 40. Been reading other posts on this subreddit and First time. Find out how a DUI can affect your life, license, job and insurance, and what to do after a DUI. That is up to 93 days jail, $300 in fines. If your BAC is not at or near +/- . The local police department added a "Administration Arrestee Cost" of $800, $185 for the tow, $40 per day in storage and the place 1st time DUI in California w/Accident. Depends on your state. But in most states $3500 is fairly common for DUI because most lawyers charge around $400 an hour. After almost two years of not drinking, getting back into shape, returning to college, and maintaining a part-time network admin job, my DUI has come back to haunt me. Have a situation brewing up that is driving my anxiety through the roof. If you're in an unincorporated rural area, then the restricted license is a good option. Soon-to-be doctor got DUI last night; need advice. For the first time DUI you need to choose the lawyer near you who will guide and protect you from any trouble. I drove around a curve a little to fast, drove into a ditch into a parked car. I was gonna get an attorney to just drop it all but I couldn’t afford one. The most common plea is from OWI to Operate while Visibly Impaired (OWVI). 295K subscribers in the army community. A "court supervision" may sound nice but it will still be on your record. They have a plan for your first dui, having a lawyer as opposed to a public defender will not change that. 45 days of rehab (to avoid jailtime) 9 months with SCRAM bracelet. They brought me to the station and drew blood, the whole time the cop was saying how he didn’t want to see me f my life up over this and to just take ard and be done with it. Actual numbers/statistics about drunk driving are far more serious than many people realize. 4. Try to get Court Supervision of able. I recorded a video, put my phone camera up to the interlock camera, and the LEDs were on and reflected into my phone camera -- which means it's recording. Since my second arrest ive not drank any and have completed all court imposed punishments. I got into an accident with major damage to both cars, no one was hurt at the scene, but BAC was . killed someone, injured others, multiple DUIs). I drove on a suspended license after my 2nd and third DUI. I had an attorney turn a potential misdemeanor to a dismissed case all because of a 90 day rule. Between people commenting on my post to just The thing is I never received a court date and check the courts online periodically and nothing so I hope I’m okay after 19 months but I don’t know. Plead guilty, did time. Contact the potential lawyer near you and take proper support. Hey guys, reaching out for any / all advice or feedback I can get on my situation since it's my first time and lawyer isn't super informative yet. The same way they use empty beer cans and the smell of alcoholic beverages to establish consumption, they use the smell, presence, and often spontaneous admissions about marijuana use as evidence of marijuana use. If you think their proof is shaky, going to court is a risk vs reward gamble. I wouldn't call it 'beating' a dui; but I was charged with a 2nd in NY within 10yrs and is charged as a Class E Felony with anywhere from 5yrs of probation to 4yrs in prison as a punishment. The best thing to do is go through the process to clean up your record through a discharge or pardon. Driving impairment, sociological aspects, behavioral factors that cause you to drink a lot, alternatives to drinking, alcoholism, and relapse and prevention. 13 the officer released me within hours and now I have court in a few weeks what should expect to come. What your hearing is incorrect. But there's a difference between a BMW and a Chevy Cobalt. you are not likely to get more than 24 hours in jail, a fine 40 hours community service and the risk reduction class. If you don’t trust him then consult with another attorney. r/DUICalifornia: This subreddit involves persons accused of DUI in California, including related DMV hearings and court statistics, strategies… Users share their stories, tips and concerns about DUI convictions on r/dui subreddit. Your attorney is going to have a better read on the situation than anyone else on Earth, so always give their opinion the most weight. (throwaway) Ten years ago I killed 3 people driving drunk. Dude showed up, straight hammered. I was able to secure a misdemeanor charge and 3yrs of probation. 19 with blood test. gviets1234. Personally I won my case with a public defender but I refused a pee test so they didn’t Your still going to get punished either way, but if you stfu about it maybe they forget since they seemingly are doing a great job. you messed up big time. 8% BAC that we're all familiar with for alcohol Whatupitskevin. The neighbors saw and called the cops and I went/waited inside my house. Hello, Contrary to all of the evidence, your life is not over (unless it's extremely serious ex. The second DUI: 90 days house arrest. A Lamborghini is out of your price range and you don't need all the bells and whistles. Second, having anxiety and depression with DUI with jail time alone I don't believe that they don't record you. Kid gets to keep the pending promotion, it’s just delayed XXX months. In terms of IID, third conviction would be 2 years of IID. ADMIN MOD. may be lookin at low probation until you turn 21. This was my first DUI and is definitely my last. They'll find out, but different insurance companies weight criteria differently. I am beyond pissed off. I think I just ruined my life. I didn’t find out until the first week of school. They don't have time to be chasing down someone who doesn't have a license. 00. I got it reduced from DUI to reckless driving. I would like to go to Canada to visit and have always heard that US citizens with a DUI are barred entry for 5 years to Canada but have never seen concrete examples or law. Even have someone I know who claims they entered before their 5 Actual "Super Extreme DUI" in Arizona: The Beginning. It will not be fun but you will get through it. No one can answer if it’s worth it, except for you. However, if you have had a DUI in the past two years, you should already have a preplanned explanation for it. Like most of the users here, I've arrived to this sub in desperation after my DUI last wednesday. For first offenders, you are more likely to get the minimum, or very close to it. This would have been my second DUI charge in two years, for me to realize I was spiraling out of control. 6K subscribers in the DUICalifornia community. DUI Outcome + advice needed. • 2 yr. 24. Go ahead and shop around and see what you can find. And it will always be on your Illinois Secretary of State driving Travel with a DUI. My girlfriend and I are graduating medical school and will start our jobs as new physicians/residents in a few months. You're taken to a 20x10 ft cell with other DUI offenders with a toilet that's behind a wall. : r/IAmA. They might have an issue with you driving company vehicles but if you have your driver's license you'll be good . 0 ng/ml and cut off between 20-50 ng/ml. I Am A, where the mundane becomes fascinating and the outrageous suddenly seems normal. As a team member at My AZ Criminal Defense Lawyers, the location on Sophie Lane in Phoenix I can assure you that Arizona's DUI laws are among the toughest, and the penalties you faced are a testament to that. DUI accident. And if you get another DUI 12 years from now, it will be considered your second. Waste of diversion. 2021 and currently live in Washington in the US. Finally I was able to beat my DUI charge/case, after 15 long, excruciating months. Group classes. First time DUI last night. However, most of the "super extreme" stories on here are only a little above . They do assess punishment based upon the facts of the case, and community service as credit for jail time is not unusual. I knew an RN that had 3 DUIs and she Trust your gut though and if you trust your attorney, then go with what he says over anyone else's opinion. Cop suspected alcohol, I admitted to drinking way earlier in the night but insisted to him I was sober. He seriously needs some intervention and a wake-up call, and I mean this sincerely. So you may have to wait 5 years to apply for citizenship. pi cx sf qq jb uy rs rw gq dt